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Will Poulter confesses about Adam Warlock, why he cried with “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” and his love for Peruvian food

There is a recurring joke on social networks towards Peruvian journalists: it happens when, while working as a reporter, the foreigner on duty is asked if he has tried cebiche or, in general, Peruvian food. It is the resource of those who do not have to ask, of those who want to get out of trouble. But what happens when the interviewee has a sincere passion for the most exquisite dishes? Will Poulter, who because of his career (“Midsommar”, “We’re the Millers”) could not be considered a foreigner on duty, loves to cook and try dishes from all over the world. We asked him the question of rigor.

hero who steps on earth

“Peruvian cuisine? It is one of my favorite kitchens. The ceviche is my favourite. I am desperate to go to Peru and eat all the food, “said the actor in an interview with El Comercio. He returns to the screens in the third part of “Guardians of the Galaxy” (“Guardians of the Galaxy” Vol. 3″), a saga of space adventurers, sometimes superheroes, other times thieves, who say goodbye to the cinema. The 30-year-old actor is, in his own words, fortunate to be part of this goodbye.

“I felt very, very lucky, especially because [la saga] it’s loved around the world, you know, and I was part of that global audience that appreciated the first and second movies, so to be involved in the third one is very special. I even felt more comforted, in a way, to find out that all the people I was a fan of were actually great too,” she said.

In the comics, Adam Warlock is a pivotal character. Indivisible from the story of the Infinity Gauntlet, around which the previous saga of Marvel films revolved, the hero comes to the cinema with a plot that is specifically involved with Rocket (Bradley Cooper / Sean Gunn) and the villain on duty, the High Evolutionary (Chukwudi Iwuji). Warlock is an imposing man with golden skin, but with a childish spirit. “That was kind of the challenge, to create this genuine sense of menace and physical prowess, as well as exposing the fact that he’s like a child. And I think that was achieved by working very closely with the stunt team, working with my own team and also with the special effects team, who made me look more powerful. I am thankful for that,” he maintained.

Florence Pugh

Will they meet on screen?

Will Poulter is close friends with Florence Pugh, a prominent actress who is also part of the Marvel Universe, as the spy Yelena Belova, heralded as the next Black Widow. How does the actor view the prospect of bumping into her on camera?

Poulter: “That would be really cool. It would be the second time that she worked alongside Flo after Midsommar. I think Flo is an amazing actress and the prospect of who I’m going to crossover with in the MCU is very exciting.”

Will they meet on screen?

friendships and goodbyes

Sometimes meeting your heroes is worth it, be it with the actors or with the filmmaker. “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3” once again has the direction of James Gunn, who is also saying goodbye to the Marvel Cinematic Universe to work at DC, the competition. Of him, Poulter has a special appreciation beyond being his boss. How is it to work with him?

Poulter: “It’s a unique mix of being incredibly organized and storyboarding to the ‘N’ power, and having everything planned out perfectly; and also leave room for improvisation, so that its actors can express themselves. It’s a unique mix, you usually don’t have both at once. You have one without the other, but not both in tandem, and it makes (making filming) an amazing experience for an actor.”

Finally, the actor dared to comment on what all fans are already discussing on networks: the feeling that the film will be very emotional, even tragic. It is feared that at least one of the guardians will die. “I recommend taking your tissues to this movie, it is too emotional. I am in it and I cried. I knew what was going to happen and I cried. It is a very emotional film, it is a goodbye in many ways. It is full of “pathos” and beautiful friendships. It’s also full of really cute animals, so it’s kind of hard not to cry,” he said.


on the tape

-“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3″ hits theaters this Thursday, May 4, 2023.

-Later, in approximately two months, the film will reach the Disney + platform.

Source: Elcomercio

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