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Tini assures that the pandemic helped her find herself and solar “Violetta”

Tini assures that the pandemic helped her find herself and solar “Violetta”

Tini assures that the pandemic helped her find herself and solar “Violetta”

Argentina Tini Stoessel An ambitious tour of Spain begins this Saturday, the first in this country after parting ways seven years ago with the television character of “Violet” that made her a global star and embark on a new solo stage with recent moments of great personal growth.

“I led a life of little stability”he explains to EFE, “but because of the pandemic and being in the same place for almost a year, I had no choice but to look in the mirror and find myself.”

“If it weren’t for that, on a personal level I would not be where I am today”tells about the energy of “Cupido”, his fourth and last studio album, which will play an important role in the repertoire of the “tour” that begins in La Coruña and ends in Madrid in September.

Martina Stoessel (Buenos Aires, 1997) consolidated the pseudonym of Tini for a long time, almost as long as it has happened since she was stopped on the street as the protagonist of the series that made her a popular face.

“That was such an important character for so many people that change was not easy”concedes who recognizes himself “so unconscious” that, when the last film in the saga was released, in 2016, the next step was not even questioned.

“I just started writing songs and the day I heard the first one on the radio, ‘I love you more’, I cried with my father”remember.

He points out that this stage as a youth star gave him, above all, “a lot of work”: “I know that many people love my music today in a special way because they saw me grow from the age of 13.”

For this reason, he insists: “I never fought with Violetta. There was a media process, because there was always the question of the character, but she gave me many incredible things and those that were not so incredible made me grow as a person ”.

With a television producer and director father and a training that prepared her in many different interpretive facets since she was a child, it seemed difficult for Tini not to dream of another destination than to succeed as an artist.


Source: Elcomercio

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