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Luis Miguel and Cristian Castro: the true story behind their famous rivalry

For those of us who have followed Luis Miguel’s career for 30 years, it was a big surprise, and even funny, to learn that he felt great rivalry and professional jealousy towards another important reference in Latin American music: Cristian castro. This episode in the lives of both artists was portrayed in chapter 3 of the second season of “Luis Miguel, the series”, available on Netflix, and the recent presence of the interpreter of “No podrás” in a show in Buenos Aires del ‘Sol’, brought him back to the memory.

At the beginning of the 90s, a context in which one of the time lines of the Netflix show is located, Luis Miguel was at the peak of popularity after the success of the album “Romance” and the release of “Aries” while Castro’s figure began to stand out more and more, leading the rankings and charts of the time. Then, the comparisons and confrontations promoted by the press did not wait, but in the end the subject always remained a speculation. In this episode, however, it is confirmed that Luis Miguel did feel uncomfortable and annoyed with the rise of Verónica Castro’s son. And a lot. To the point, then, of turning off the radio when the melody “No podrás” came out of the car speaker or firing one of its most important guitarists when it found out that he had produced the material with which ‘el gallito feliz’ debuted.

It happens that the great legends of music have always been sought for successors. It doesn’t matter if the first ones are alive or not. The slogan is to know who is “next…”. And that was precisely what happened in those days. It was said that Castro was the next Luis Miguel because both had similar profiles. They had both started singing as children, they were handsome and even had a similar physiognomy (blondes, green eyes), they had powerful and enviable timbres of voice and, furthermore, they were immersed in the pop and romantic genres. Given the habitual secrecy of the interpreter of ‘Suave’, it was thought that this comparison would most likely not have affected him -many years later they wanted to repeat a versus, but with Alejandro Fernández- given the abysmal differences in terms of scope of success, popularity and legacy between the career of both, but chapter 3 reveals that yes.

“What happened at that time, too, is that Cristian Castro was not just anyone. He was the son of Verónica Castro and that gave him a special platform. And also from the ‘crazy’ Valdez, who was not unknown. So he had a lot of press. He wasn’t just any kid coming up. Added to this, obviously, is the fact that Cristian has a very good voice. All this robbed Luis Miguel of the limelight, who until then had not had an important “rival” in professional terms,” ​​says the journalist specializing in entertainment and culture Patricia Salinas, who has interviewed Luis Miguel himself on two occasions. “I think it’s cool that they have shown this story in the series. That jealousy humanizes him, perhaps exorcise him in some way. We must not forget that this is a story that he himself has authorized to tell ”, she explains.

The source of the schism

At least until chapter 3 of the fiction, Luis Miguel shows a superb attitude before the figure of Castro. This is evidenced in turn in a scene in which the two are seen crossing paths and talking backstage at a concert in which the two participated. But, in real life, it was the latter who said that they did have a friendship for several years. That, in fact, they jet skied together and occasionally fraternized. The reason why this would have ended forever has a first and last name: Daysi Fuentes.

Already in 2015, Castro had commented in an interview for an Argentine medium that both had been estranged for many years because, according to his version, the Sun of Mexico would have courted the then popular television host and model, while both were dating . However, it was not until the end of 2019 that, also for an Argentine medium, Cristian gave more details about what happened.

Both were a couple between 1995 and 1998.
Captured by paparazzi in Las Vegas.

Daysi during her time as an MTV host. Here interviewing a very young Leonardo Di Caprio in 1995.

In a 2019 video, Daysi Fuentes declares about Luis Miguel’s series and her relationship with him.

Christian’s version

“Today we are not friends because he did not want to, but we were at a very nice moment. I was a little disappointed in his personality, because I was dating a girl named Daisy Fuentes. AND he came to get in. He began to fall in love with her and she told me so. So, for me Luis Miguel was like a brother, so I told Daisy to try going out with him, I let him get in,” Castro narrated four years ago. “The one who should be upset should be me, but he acts offended when I was the one who had the clothes inside Daysi’s house. However, to be honest, I just want to have my friendship with him back. That situation happened, don’t take it so personally. He fell in love with her a lot, but that doesn’t mean that what happened was a coincidence. You must think it was something I did on purpose, but no. And less to a great singer whom I love so much”.

Castro talks about the end of the relationship with Luis Miguel in 2019.

words of admiration

The truth is that despite what happened, Cristian Castro usually has words of admiration and respect for Luis Miguel. In a radio interview granted in 2016 to the well-known Mexican journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante, this is what he said about the difficult times that the interpreter of ‘La Bikina’ was going through at the time.

“I don’t know what is happening with him (…) I think it is a moment to understand him, to understand that he has been a boy who has fought and achieved too much. And that he has been alone in many moments. Just fighting for his songs, giving his life for them and his audience. So, why not understand that there is a great loneliness, I say it with respect and as a fan of Luis Miguel, behind such a successful life and a talent as bright as the one he has. Perhaps this is not his best moment, but let’s hope he is overcoming the health or spiritual difficulty he has. It’s time to continue supporting him.”

Then, also in 2019 for another Argentine TV program, he declared: “I bank it because it is the chairman of the board (the chairman of the board) from all of us. It suits me that he does well. He is the person I have followed since I was a child, apart from Julio Iglesias, José José, Sandro, he is one of the great singers who have a lot of power on stage. I hope it goes well.”

Will there be any rapprochement in the future? It’s unlikely, but time will tell.//

Source: Elcomercio

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