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“Los Mirlos 50 aniversario”: Why are they so successful? the future of the group, his next book and more

What is the secret behind the music of the blackbirds? It is a type of special effect on the guitars that they created from the beginning and that they continue to use in all their presentations. With more than half a century of experience in the music industry, this characteristic sound of Los Mirlos has assured them a place in the musical repertoire of all Peruvians. It is enough to listen to the strident chords of the electric guitar or the resonance of the timbales to recognize such iconic songs as “La danza de Los Mirlos”, “Lamento en la selva” or the cumbia classic “You are a liar”. These songs will become unmissable during their 50th anniversary commemoration show, which will take place this Sunday, August 27.

The Pakines had their own delay effect, we wanted to do something different with our music, so we used a special pedalboard that creates a unique effect that we keep using because it works. Time has confirmed the validity of this style that we employ and we plan to continue to do so.”, comments vocalist Jorge Luis Rodríguez in an interview with El Comercio.

After having toured more than 30 countries around the world since its founding in 1973, the same year in which they recorded their first album “El sonido selvático de Los Mirlos” under the Infopesa label, the famous “Charapas de Oro” have experienced several modifications in its line-up, leaving only the founder Jorge Rodríguez Grández, together with guitarist Danny Fardy Johnston, who continue to produce songs together with the current band where Luís Rodríguez Pérez, Jorge Rodríguez’s son, is a part.

When we arrived in Lima, we had our hometown, Moyobamba, in mind and we wanted to represent it in the capital. Seeing that many people were unaware of the jungle in general, we sought to show the Amazon so that they know it”, comments Rodríguez, who found in instrumental music a powerful tool to achieve his goal. “PThat’s why we incorporate sounds of birds and other animals in the background of our songs. We try to recreate that environment also with the instruments, our clothing and the details that we use in our presentations.”, he adds.

Danny Fardy Johnston, Jorge Rodríguez Grández and Jorge Luis Rodríguez Pérez

Like his popularity, his objective grew until it became a phrase that Rodríguez repeats in all his interviews: “We want to be the ambassadors of Peruvian cumbia in the world.” This goal seems to be fulfilled every time they perform on big stages in Spain or in old castles at festivals in Slovenia. If there is something that characterizes this anniversary, which will be held at the Municipal Theater of Lima, it is determination and perseverance.

Preserving the legacy

At over 70 years old, Rodríguez undertakes trips to various countries every decade to renew the registration of Los Mirlos, also making an annual visit to Peru to ensure the uniqueness and incomparable identity of Los Mirlos. Although his son maintains that these activities are no longer necessary due to the technological presence and the solid positioning of the band in social networks, Rodríguez, who had to change the original name of Los Mirlos (previously Los Saetas) due to a coincidence of names , is not willing to compromise precautions.

This commitment to the band is reflected in their dedication not only to music, but also in their efforts to record every appearance of Los Mirlos in newspaper clippings, photos or videos – Rodríguez’s second passion – that led to the creation of the documentary “La Danza de Los Mirlos” that will be presented prior to the show for its anniversary. However, it would not be the first time that Los Mirlos appear in a film production, being the Argentine film “Las vacaciones del amor” (1981), the first time they appear on screen. “Camilo Sesto was highly ranked and appeared in the movie, I had the pleasure of greeting him, but when we were going to meet, I couldn’t travel to Argentina. It is curious that when the songs from the film were awarded, we won for two albums and Camilo only for one”, comments the artist with a smile.

They received a Platinum Disc from the Chamber of Phonographic Producers of Argentina for the sale of our productions.  (Photo: personal archive of Los Mirlos)

It was in these first moments when Rodríguez and the band left everything ready on stage to be able to play in concerts, with little or no help from the organizers, something that seems to have changed after so many years representing Amazonian cumbia nationally and internationally. “Before we would bring our instruments and set up the whole stage. I put on a T-shirt, some shorts and I was in charge of directing everything. Now a team comes with a truck full of instruments of different brands and they tell us: ‘Choose what you want and we will put everything on stage for you.‘”, mentions the artist, who thanks the current success of the band to ex-members who have passed away, especially to their representative who got those first opportunities. “He was a fundamental piece in the band, like all those who were part of the group at the time. It would be unfair not to give them credit for so many years of successful musical career.“, Add.

Currently, the band is going through a transition process in which Luis Rodríguez will assume a more decisive role in Los Mirlos to continue his father’s legacy. In addition, Los Mirlos are preparing a new production to be released next year, where Jorge Rodríguez will continue to contribute his characteristic cumbia touches.

All original members of the band in San Martin

In order for everyone to appreciate the development of the band since its true beginnings in 1968 as Los Saetas, Rodríguez is finishing a book, still without an official name, that will compile the entire musical and personal history of the band. “I announced this in Viña del Mar and then at the Guadalajara Festival. Now that we celebrate our 50th anniversary, I think the time is right for it to see the light.”, clarifies Rodríguez. The book will be published later this year and will tell his story up to the present, although it won’t cover the end because the veteran member of Los Mirlos has no plans to retire. “My lawyer, military and engineering friends are already retired, in the music industry, one cannot afford those luxuries”, he concludes.

about the concert

Blackbirds 50th anniversary

Day: Sunday August 27

Time: 5:00 p.m.

Place: Municipal Theater of Lima

Tickets available in Teleticket

Source: Elcomercio

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