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Pablo Pettenuzzo announced the release of his debut album “Live the present”

Pablo Pettenuzzo announced the release of his debut album “Live the present”

Pablo Pettenuzzo announced the release of his debut album “Live the present”

The Peruvian singer-songwriter Pablo Pettenuzzo announced the release of its first album “Vive el presente”, an album that explores the rhythms of rock, pop, jazz and touches of indie. This production seeks to connect with the public through peace and optimism.

“I want to communicate peace, hope, tranquility, above all faith that everything will be okay. There is always a solution. “Problems are actually solutions and they leave us with learning.”commented the artist in a statement.

“I want to leave my voice, my essence. I want to share what I think, what I am, what I have experienced. “Everything that happens at this precise moment and that will never be erased.” Pettenuzzo added.

“Live the present” is an album where the artist worked with 14 different musicians in Cusco, between 2021 and 2022, in 4 Recording Studios. Each of the songs presents a unique essence between mysticism and the reality that Pettenuzzo lived.

“I am working on very particular music, music with meaning and message, I want my songs to help face life and be the sound column for many”clarified Pablo Pettenuzzo about his debut album.

Source: Elcomercio

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