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Gianella Neyra: from producing the highest-grossing Peruvian film of the year to making the international leap on Netflix

Starting this Friday, October 27, the film directed by Ani Alva Helfer and produced by Gianella Neyra comes to the Netflix catalog. In this regard, the actress and protagonist of the film spoke with El Comercio and revealed details of her arrival on the platform, the challenges she faced to make this film and how she feels after being considered one of the 50 most powerful women in the country, according to Forbes .

―Congratulations on the premiere of “Single, married, widowed, divorced” on Netflix, how did you find out that they would be part of the international platform?

It has been fascinating. The negotiation came from Carlos Hansen and Gustavo Sánchez (producers), it was Gustavo who called us by phone and told us that the negotiation with Netflix had been closed. We really wanted it to become a reality because there were people from other countries who wanted to see it. We felt that the next step for this film was to enter a large platform like Netflix. It has been a beautiful surprise of the many that the film has given us.

―Also, it is your second experience as a producer, how do you take the success you have in this facet?

It’s crazy. We are thinking about what we are going to do next, it is part of a learning path, which I love and from which I want to continue learning. I am happy that “Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced 1″ has had this response from people. I think people adopted this film in a beautiful way, what makes me want to continue creating and telling stories.

-Is it a dream come true?

It is the beginning of the path that I want to continue exploring. I don’t set specific goals because I feel that one should set a goal and let life guide you, if you set a specific goal perhaps you limit yourself. It is a beginning that perhaps we did not expect, but I am very grateful. What do I want with this? Keep doing more things and make it good for everyone.

―How complicated was it to be the protagonist and producer of your own film?

The interesting thing about being on the creative side is that you know the story from moment one, and when you let go of that and enter as an actress you have knowledge of the story from many angles. I like to do all the previous work and then forget about it and connect with the scene to enjoy my role as an actress.

―The film was also Diego Bertie’s last appearance in cinema

For us it was hard, until now we can’t believe it, but seeing it on screen, with such a beautiful character who did it in an endearing way, ultimately allows one to remember him with what he loved doing most. From that place, it gave us peace to know that his work was there, from his beautiful way of filling the stages.

―You mentioned that this is “Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced 1,” Will there be a second part?

I said that? She escaped me. Yes, it could be, we are thinking about it, thinking, analyzing the possibility with Ani (Alva Helfer, director) and Gustavo (Sánchez, producer). Suddenly we give them a surprise. I still can’t affirm or dismiss that comment. A very beautiful universe of characters has been generated that we would be sad if it ended like this, there is a lot to tell about the characters, but we do want to continue exploring the stories.

―It is a film loaded with women powersomething that had not happened in Peruvian cinema, how do you assume it?

Exact! It fills us with a lot of pride, I think that each of the things that one does, where before there was a no and now it is a yes, is a door that opens. The only thing that is expected is that that door remains open, that people remain focused and encouraged, that it is an impulse to continue doing and generate great things for everyone.

―You mentioned that there was an initial “no”, how complicated was it to make the film?

We have presented the story several times, when it reached the producer [él] He wasn’t entirely convinced, but he liked it. From there we were trying to put it on platforms, but many people said “no”, “it’s not interesting”, “the women are too old”, “it’s not going to work”, “it’s not going to hit” and more. It was two years of comings and goings of “no” until suddenly someone said “yes”; We made the film and it had the great result it did. I think the interesting thing is to believe in your story, knock on many doors, there will be many “no’s”, but a single “yes” will change your life.

―On the other hand, you were recently named one of the most powerful women in Peru by Forbes, how do you take it?

It was a surprise. I take it with great humility and respect, I didn’t expect it, but it obviously responds to the film, to the fact that it is my second production. I think the interesting thing about these types of mentions is the fact that we make ourselves visible, the women who are trying to take leadership, in their voices to say something different and that allows us to make this work visible and generate ties between more women. It has been a year of a lot of work.

―On a personal level, how is everything going with Cristian Rivero?

Luckily everything is going very well, the kids are well, the family is well, I think that is important. None of this would make sense if you can’t then crush your family and have them crush you.


Source: Elcomercio

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