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British Museum inaugurated the first permanent exhibition dedicated to Peru

For the first time in its history, the British museum of the United Kingdom inaugurated a permanent exhibition dedicated to Peru. This has more than 50 objects from our Moche, Nasca, Lambayeque, Chimú, Chincha and Inca cultures.

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Juan Carlos Mathews inaugurated the exhibition in a ceremony that was attended by more than 250 guests including politicians, businessmen, academics and intellectuals from British society.

“Our cultural wealth will be exhibited in the exhibition Millennial Stories of Peru for the World in the Welcome Gallery of the museum, starting today, November 1st. This space is dedicated to beliefs about life and death in many societies.”indicated the minister.

The exhibition had the collaboration of Nilda Cañanaupa, founding weaver of the Traditional Textiles Center of Cusco; Manuel Choqque, farmer and agricultural engineer from Chinchero, Cusco; Victor Huamanchumo, fisherman from Huanchaco, Trujillo and Nereida Apaza, plastic artist from Arequipa, as well as from the Commission for the Promotion of Peru for Exports and Tourism (PromPerú).

The more than 50 selected objects were produced by Andean societies over more than 2,000 years. Made of ceramics, fabrics, wood, stone and shell, they tell stories about one of the most important civilizations of the ancient world, the official added.

Previously, a temporary exhibition organized in collaboration 2021 was held, which represented the first temporary exhibition: “Peru: A Journey in Time.”

Featuring 80 pieces from the British Museum’s own collection and an additional 43 objects on loan from seven Peruvian museums, the exhibition attracted some 73,000 visitors in just four months, generating unprecedented local press coverage for Peru.

As a result of this work, in the 270 years of history of the museum, Peru achieved its own permanent space in one of the most emblematic museums in the world.

“The exhibition in Peru is accompanied by a series of promotion and dissemination actions. A campaign has been carried out with iconic images of the exhibition at strategic points in the city of London to call the public to visit the exhibition, and also encourage them to visit Peru.”Mathews said.

The Peruvian exhibition at the British Museum It is part of a comprehensive plan to reactivate the tourist flow of the British market, due to its great potential as a source market and its spending capacity.

From January to December 2022, 35,446 arrivals of British tourists were registered, representing a growth of 1,174% compared to the same period in 2021. And, until September of this year, 27,097 travelers from the United Kingdom have visited our country.

Since the second week of October, the “International Inbound Tourism Campaign 2023” – UK edition has been developed, with the aim of strengthening the positive image of Peru, through graphic pieces on public roads and videos on social networks.

Along the same lines, LATAM Airlines confirmed the start of its direct flights between Lima and London as of December 1 of this year. There will be 5 frequencies per week with one schedule per day.

Thanks to this direct flight, British travelers have the opportunity to discover our country in a more accessible way than ever. This air bridge not only shortens geographical distances, but also strengthens cultural and commercial ties between our nations.

Source: Elcomercio

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