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Elizabeth Debicki, actress of “The Crown”, after recreating Lady Di’s last hours: “It was heartbreaking”

Elizabeth Debickithe actress who plays Princess Diana in the sixth and final season of “The Crown”, spoke of his experience recreating the last hours of Lady Di’s life, calling it “heartbreaking.”

Through an interview with the American media Entertainment Weekly, the interpreter assured that she was nervous when reading the scripts of the seasons, which narrate the romance that Diana had with Dodi Fayed. Debicki commented that she knew that her story would force her to play Diana hours before her death.

“It’s a pretty unusual experience,” Debicki said. “I read the episodes [del uno al cuatro] in a single session very quickly. I was really, really devastated at the end. It really moved me, it moved me just thinking about it, and I also felt the weight.”he added.

On the other hand, Elizabeth commented that performing the scenes of the death of the couple made up of Diana and Dodi, who were chased by photographers in the streets of Paris, was a challenging experience.

“It was very heartbreaking.”Debicki said. “Being chased like that makes you feel incredibly trapped, incredibly exhausted.””he added.

Likewise, Debicki explained that during some scenes she left her interpretation of the character to only react to stimuli, in this way she understood the intensity of the moment and valued privacy as a priceless treasure.

Part 1 of season 6 of The Crown is now available on Netflix. Part 2 premieres on December 14.

Source: Elcomercio

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