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Protagonists of “Isla Bonita” became great friends: “We continue to share advice”

Protagonists of “Isla Bonita” became great friends: “We continue to share advice”

Protagonists of “Isla Bonita” became great friends: “We continue to share advice”

Beautiful island”, new film by the Peruvian filmmaker Ani Alva Helfer Not only did it represent an important event for the city of Iquitos, it also meant the beginning of a friendship between the three actresses who starred in the project.

In that sense, Patricia Barreto, Saskia Bernaola and Emilia Drago revealed that they formed a great friendship since they recorded the movie “Isla Bonita.”

“We didn’t know each other that well, but now we are great friends. […] “We continue to share advice for raising children and for living in harmony with your partner, since we are both mothers and have been in relationships for many years.”Emilia said.

On the other hand, he assured that the filming of “Isla Bonita” was not only a job, but also represented meeting two great friends.

In this way, Emilia related that during the filming of the film she took care of Patricia Barreto, like a mother, after she received multiple mosquito bites that caused an allergic reaction.

“She (Patricia Barreto) was the one who was bitten the most by bugs and one night the mosquitoes bit her face and I helped her with an anti-allergy, like Mom, I helped her recover, that also allowed us to bond much more”Drago said.

The performers also remembered the time when they were surprised by torrential rain that caused a tree to fall very close to them.

Along those lines, Saskia said that they spent many hours together, which led to the development of a solid friendship. After that she explained that she intends to continue projects with Emilia.

“For a month we saw each other every day, so we connected with each other, I discovered in Emilia and Patricia great human beings and we have become very good friends,” he commented.

Source: Elcomercio

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