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Libido announced a concert at the National Stadium: Everything you need to know about the long-awaited show

After the great reception that his surprise show had on January 29, Libido announced his return to the stage with a long-awaited show at the National Stadium in Lima, next Saturday, July 6. The concert will mark the reunion of the original front line led by Salim Vera, Toño Jauregui, Manolo Hidalgo and Jeffrey Fischman.

Ten years after the separation of Toño and Salim, the original line-up of Libido returns to the stage for a concert at the country’s main venue. Under the organization of Master Live, the concert will take place on July 6. Tickets will be on sale from Thursday, February 1.

“The most anticipated reunion of Peruvian Rock is finally a reality. “Salim, Toño, Manolo and Jeffry together for the only time, sharing the hits that became anthems and transcended generations,” is the legend that accompanies the advertisement in Teleticket.

In a recent interview with this newspaper, the members of the group spoke about their reunion and how the idea of ​​getting together was born after several years of separation. Of course, they promised a great show on their return.

“It has been a process that took a while to mature and today is when we feel that we are ready to do a great concert at the National Stadium,” Toño Jáuregui told this newspaper.

“We are excited to reconnect with the public that was waiting for more concerts, we also wanted the new generations to be able to see us play live, that is why we are preparing a mega concert that closes this story together with all those who have acclaimed us for many years,” he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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