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Liniers, author of the “Macanudo” series, will sign copies for his followers in Lima

The Argentine cartoonist Ricardo Liniers He will hold a meeting with his Peruvian followers next Tuesday, February 20 at 7:30 pm at Librería Sur (Avenida Pardo y Aliaga 683, San Isidro).

In this free-entry activity, attendees will be able to ask the author to sign any of his comics, including the successful “Macanudo” series. Likewise, you will be able to exclusively purchase number 15, the latest installment of the beloved series that originally appeared years ago in the newspaper La Nación.

About “Macanudo”, Penguin Random House, the publisher that publishes it, summarizes:

The series features a variety of situations, from the absurd to the touching, and has been praised for its originality and creativity. With characters such as the mysterious man in black, Enriqueta and her cat Fellini, Alfio, the troglodyte ball, Martincito and his imaginary friend Olga and the rabbit, who is Liniers himself, they are not only a trip to childhood: also a mirror of reality.

As is remembered, Liniers He will also perform with Kevin Johansen and the band The Nada on February 22 at the Exhibition Park. A reunion that took a decade.

Source: Elcomercio

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