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Carmen Kassovitz, 20, star in the making and still amazed by the cinema

You know his name, remember his first name! Carmen Kassovitz unveiled her talent, major, when she was still a minor, in the role of Alma, the young woman with whom Lux falls in love (pseudonym of Lucas, the protagonist) in the series Stalk. While the series on hacking returns this Friday on the France TV Slash platform for an even darker and more intense season 2, 20 Minutes portrays a star in the making.

“She’s a singer, an actress, she dances… And it works. She does castings, people like her, “greeted her dad, Mathieu Kassovitz, in August 2020 in the columns of the Parisian.

“” Stalk “, it was a challenge”

Carmen Kassovitz makes her film debut in 2019 in Camera Obscura, a feminist short film by Mary Noëlle Dana & Sonia Sieff. Then, she shoots the first season of Stalk. “I was 17 at the time. It was a challenge because in the first season, I have scenes that are a bit sexual, scenes that are very hard to play. Suddenly, it was not easy every day, but it formed me well ”, says Carmen Kassovitz that 20 Minutes met at the last La Rochelle TV Fiction Festival where season 2 of Stalk won the prize for the best 26 ‘fiction as well as that of the best music.

Alongside the director Simon Bouisson, the young actress learns “how to play with the camera”. ” In Stalk, we make complicated plans, I made scenes where I had to talk to a piece of tape, relates the actress. Stalk gives, I think, an ability to adapt extremely quickly to situations, that’s pretty cool. I am very grateful for this. “

The game, she fell into it when she was little. “My mother is a theater teacher,” she says straight away when asked about the origin of her vocation. Her mother, actress Julie Mauduech, has been seen in the movies in particular Mixed race and Hate by Mathieu Kassovitz.

“My whole family is in the artistic field”

And to add: “My whole family has been in the artistic field for generations. It’s not just my father: there is my grandfather, and my grandmother is a writer and painter. Grandson of Hungarian cartoonist Félix Kassowitz, Mathieu Kassovitz is the son of filmmaker and novelist Peter Kassovitz and Chantal Rémy, editor and screenwriter. Camille Mauduech, Carmen’s aunt, is also a documentary director.

“I have always been in the artistic field. I’ve done a lot of dancing, a lot of theater, suddenly with my mother since I was little. I’ve always wanted to do a job that takes place on stage. At one point, I wanted to be a dancer but it’s very difficult to reach that level. Yes, for me, it was obvious to work in the artistic “, recounts Carmen Kassovitz.

A vocation that she took a long time to admit. “Growing up, I used to say ‘I don’t want to be an actress’ because I didn’t necessarily want to follow them. But ultimately, it’s my passion, it was evident inside in fact since I was very little. “

In Stalk, Carmen Kassovitz plays “the mysterious” Alma, whom the actress sometimes considers a little too bitchy. “She has some sort of nervousness peaks on subjects which, for me, do not necessarily affect me. “A character that Carmen Kassovitz however approached with” a lot of affection “:” I got very attached to this young girl. It’s not a huge compositional role, since there are really parts of my personality that are projected in Alma. Afterwards, I try not to be too close because otherwise there is no point in playing. “

“Everything will come out in 2022, I’m pretty excited! “

In this second season, Alma, gone to Canada “in search of herself”, will play “Lux’s psychologist”. ” Stalk will always have a very big place in my heart, because it is thanks to Stalk that my other projects have arrived. Stalk has really allowed me to do a lot of things. Suddenly, I have a real attachment to Alma and this series, ”she emphasizes.

The actress will soon be showing not one, but four feature films. ” I have four of them ! They are not out yet because with the Covid, it has taken a lot, a lot of delay. Everything will come out in 2022, I’m pretty excited! “

On the menu, Nuclear summer, a film that she shot under the direction of Gaël Lépingle in 2019, and in which she reunites with Manon Valentin from Stalk. “It’s a film shot on film, it’s great to have been able to shoot on film when you were young, it’s absolutely great!” She rejoices, stars in her big black eyes.

Carmen Kassovitz also participates in the co-production A Girl’s Room. “I’m sharing the poster with a great Finnish actress called Elsi Sloan, it’s her first shoot. It’s cool, it’s a bit of a psychological thriller. “

She also participated in My night by Antoinette Boulat, presented notably at the Venice Film Festival and at the TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). Finally, spectators will be able to see it in Storm by Quebecer Christian Duguay, the adaptation of Christophe Donner’s novel Tempête dans un stud. “It’s absolutely great to have been able to make this film because I’ve been riding a horse since I was a baby and to have been able to shoot with Christian Duguay, it’s an honor. “

“If I have a career, we’ll see”

In short, promising beginnings. “If I have a career, we’ll see,” retorts the 20-year-old young woman, her head on her shoulders. To shoot with or under the direction of his father? “It’s not something that itches me. It all depends on the project, if that makes sense, why not? But, if it’s just free to put dad and daughter together to make entries… After filming and working with someone in your family, it can get complicated Maybe it will happen, who knows? “

In a few years, it is behind the camera that the young woman would see herself. “We are not just in front of the camera, we talk about the actors, but we are a team with the technicians, the management, with everyone. I say that, I’m young, so in fact, I still have eyes like that. I hope I still have eyes like this. »His ambition? “What I like is the animation. I would like to make an animated film one day, it would be a dream anyway. “


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