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“Confessions of an invisible girl”: to see or not to see the new Brazilian youth film?

“Confessions of an invisible girl”, based on the book by Thalita Rebouças “Confessions of an invisible girl, misunderstood and (a bit) dramatic”, is Netflix’s new bet for a child / junior audience, because despite the fact that characters are between 15 and 16 years old, the film is innocent and without the excesses with which other fictions are accustomed. This film has many features of the old Disney productions, a format that Netflix has not used much.

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The youth subgenre is one that sells a lot and that a winner of the streaming services. Currently, companies like Netflix are betting on this type of fiction, but not only produced in the United Kingdom or the United States. We have seen the success that “Elite” and “Control Z” have produced, fictions made in Spain and Mexico, respectively. Now, with the objective of a younger audience, Netflix bets on Brazil with the film “Confessions of an invisible girl.”

The film tells the story of Tetê (Klara Castanho), a 16-year-old girl who does not feel comfortable with her appearance or with her surroundings. She is very drawn to drama and her life takes a 180 degree turn, when her parents are unemployed and must leave their home, and move with their grandparents in Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro).

For Tetê this new beginning becomes a challenge, because she wants to start from scratch and stop being the young woman outside the group. Upon arriving at the new school, she will try to make friends, have a social life, and go to parties like a young girl her age. Along the way she will meet Davi (Gabriel Lima), an intelligent young man who is kind to her from the first moment. Her small group of friends is joined by Zeca (Stepan Nercessian), an openly gay teenager whose role will be essential for Tetê to trust herself.

But as in any cliché story of the ugly and the pretty or the invisible and the popular, the cast is not complete without the antagonist: Valentina (Julia Gomes). She is the perfect teenager who is used to having it all: the best clothes, the most handsome boyfriend, and being the leader of the group. Valentina will see a rival in Tetê, because she has the idea that she is in love with her boy: Erick

Scenes from the Brazilian film "Confessions of an invisible girl", Netflix original tape.  (Photo: Netflix)

Erick, who is played by the young talent Lucca Picon, is Tetê’s romantic interest, upon arriving at her new school. He is a little bright but very handsome young man, who is compared by the same protagonist to Netflix’s youthful heartthrob: Noah Centineo.

Scenes from the Brazilian film "Confessions of an invisible girl", Netflix original tape.  (Photo: Netflix)

The film, whose original title is “Confissões de uma Garota Excluída”, is a rather innocent film, like the ones that Disney Channel used to screen at the time of “Hanna Montana”, “High School Musical” or “Camp Rock”. Unlike the current fictions this audience, this can be seen by the whole family and the whole group will enjoy it.

The direction of Bruno Garotti helps young and old characters to stand out. The young Brazilian talents do a good job. On the other hand, the adult characters, which are few, are a key piece for the fiction to have a lot of comedy and embarrassing moments.

Scenes from the Brazilian film "Confessions of an invisible girl", Netflix original tape.  (Photo: Netflix)

Something that cannot be left out is that the film is set on the wonderful beaches of Copacabana. This majestic place helps the aesthetics of fiction improve a lot. One, in addition to the interpretations, is going to enjoy the paradisiacal places that are shown on the screen.

Despite the fact that the film has several clichés, the screenwriter Thalita Rebouças, who is also the author of the book on which the film is based, uses various resources so that fiction touches on important issues for Gen Z, and does it a lot with tact and humor.

Scenes from the Brazilian film "Confessions of an invisible girl", Netflix original tape.  (Photo: Netflix)

The film has many clichés, of moments that we have already seen in other fictions for young people from the time of Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff. The young woman is a “nerd” without style who “manages” to be noticed by the most popular and handsome in school.

Scenes from the Brazilian film "Confessions of an invisible girl", Netflix original tape.  (Photo: Netflix)

There are a couple of scenes that seem forced, such as the death of some of the secondary characters, which does not really feel justified because the script does not pose it as such a credible fact. And one wonders: how did we get here?

In general, it is a short fiction but with several attributes. It has an easy-to-understand script, simple dialogues that allow everyone who sees it to understand it. As it is focused on a younger audience, it allows it to be seen as a family and some difficult topics to talk about at home are taken very naturally. I believe that it will allow a family dialogue to begin because it raises several questions and answers that are typical of age. It is the perfect tape to see on a Sunday afternoon, together with pubescent children and adolescents.

Synopsis: Tetê does not feel accepted either in class or at home. When her parents, who are unemployed, have to move to her grandparents’ house in Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro), this 16-year-old girl has to start from scratch in a new school. There he will do everything he can to avoid being abused again, and he may even make friends and have a social life.

Director: Bruno Garotti

Screenwriter: Thalita Rebouças

Actors: Klara Castanho, Fernanda Concon, Kiria Malheiros, Stepan Nercessian, Júlia Rabello, Rosane Gofman, Lucca Picon, Marcus Bessa, Gabriel Lima.

Author Rating: ★★★


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