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“Harsh scenes can help trivialize violence in the minds of younger children”

The worldwide success of the South Korean series Squid Game cannot be denied in France. Aired on Netflix, it tells the story of people in debt up to their necks, who are invited to participate in events promising a financial reward to the winners. Here they are suitable for traditional children’s games, such as 1, 2, 3 soleil. But the game is dramatic, because the losers are killed.

The series is not recommended for under 16s in France, but it is nevertheless watched by many of them. To the point that some simulate scenes in recreation. 20 Minutes interviewed psychologist and specialist in children and adolescents Jean-Luc Aubert, founder of the YouTube channel Psych questions, to assess with him the risks that such a series represents for the younger generations.

Is it problematic for children under the age of 16 to watch “Squid Game”? What reactions can violent scenes cause in them?

The effects are not the same depending on the age of the children. From college onwards, adolescents can take a step back and analyze violent images. They are also aware that a series is used to entertain themselves, to let off steam in relation to frustrations or prohibitions. Admittedly, they identify with the characters of films, but in a precise framework and in a given time.

But when they are younger, in primary school, children are in the process of intellectualization. The idea of ​​fiction is very abstract to them. They are not always able to take a step back from the images. They can be very impressed and then be prone to sleep disturbances. It is not for nothing that a youth sign exists to indicate the age from which a program can be viewed (10, 12, 16 or 18 years old).

Can the fact that this series mixes children’s games and death in particular disturb children?

The fact that this series uses playground games to put participants in competition and have the losers killed is pretty kinky. Because it creates gender confusion in the youngest children who watch it. Their games are used for cruel purposes. They can even more easily identify with participants.

This is even more true for those who were already fragile, who will find it even more difficult to distinguish between fiction and reality. The harsh scenes they go to see can help trivialize violence in the minds of younger people. This can induce violent behavior in them, as we could see in a school where the children tried to replay one of the scenes of the film, which resulted in beatings.

What advice would you give to parents?

First of all, to respect the youth signage and not to allow those under 16 to watch this series. With a downside, however: for parents of teenagers who know that their children will easily circumvent the ban by going to see the series at a friend’s house, for example, I will advise them to watch the series with them. To put the images in perspective, to give them a second-degree reading …


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