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David Villanueva, the new heartthrob of AFHS: “I am the human being and actor that I am thanks to Peru”

David Villanueva, the new heartthrob of AFHS: “I am the human being and actor that I am thanks to Peru”

David Villanueva, the new heartthrob of AFHS: “I am the human being and actor that I am thanks to Peru”

The Sevillian actor arrived in Peru for the first time on July 28, 2013. The economic crisis facing Spain prompted him to look for new job opportunities abroad. He had considered settling in countries such as Mexico, the United States and Colombia. However, our country appeared on his radar when a friend recommended he try his luck in Lima.

When I heard the name of the Peruvian capital, I immediately felt a special connection. Without hesitation, I bought my ticket and arrived in the middle of the National Holidays. It was a learning journey on a work, personal and spiritual level. I had to strengthen my intuition because Lima is a challenging city for anyone. It was an intense experience, like diving into cold water and learning to swim alone. I was guided by intuition”, he highlights.

Villanueva recognizes that “This is war” was the springboard that allowed him to achieve his acting goals. He also admits that he had to try very hard not to fall into the scandal game or be linked to any other participant.

I didn’t fit the type of game they needed, but being studious and intelligent, I didn’t fall into the trap. I felt very out of place. He was a 20-year-old boy with dreams of fame, he knew the acting profession well and had already worked on the street and in the theater. But I found showbiz at its finest. I had nothing left but to adapt to earn money. Parallel to the program, he made short films at the University of Lima. I was only three months in ‘Esto es guerra’, then I did ‘Don Juan Tenorio’ in the Presbítero Maestro. That was my connection with soap operas”, he assures.

In 2015, Villanueva Sánchez began his collaboration stage with producer Michelle Alexander, assuming the leading role in the soap opera “Amor de madre”. Later, she starred in “Mis tres Marías”, “Colorina”, “Mi vida sin ti”, among other fictions on TV.

I remember the soap operas with great affection, because I played important and unforgettable characters. Luis Carlos Villamore, in ‘Colorina’, for example, allowed me to further consolidate my craft as an actor”, he points out.

In 2018, with a guitar on his shoulder and eight suitcases full of gifts and souvenirs, David returned to Spain with the firm promise of returning soon. Two years later he returned to record “Mi vida sin ti”, although only for a few months.

“There is room at the bottom”

The day Villanueva received the proposal to join “Al Fondo Hay Sitio,” he was in Spain, in his painting and pottery workshop. With her hands covered in mud, she answered a call from Peru. It was the production of the most watched series on Peruvian television, offering him a one-year contract.

Going back to work on Peruvian television and connecting with its audience excited me because this is a very important country for me. I am the human being and actor that I am thanks to Peru; However, I took a few days to weigh the proposal, considering everything that would entail leaving my country of origin again. I wanted to know if I was mentally prepared to return to a city that was somewhat chaotic in terms of traffic and noise. Finally, we came to good terms and here I am“, comments the Sevillian artist smiling, while giving details of his character.

Xavi comes with intentions that are not so healthy or clean. He does everything, he resorts as best he can. He uses his body and his physique as tools to achieve his goals. He is a chameleon, he knows how to adapt to people and the media. He is an atypical heartthrob, funny and also cruel. He is a thousand faces, a smoke seller. Throughout the series I think we are going to see different facets of a character who always seeks his own benefit. He’s like my alter ego”, he emphasizes.

Source: Elcomercio

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