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Lima Music Fest Latin Party Edition: An experience of romance and rhythm in the heart of the city | CHRONICLE

Unlike traditional concerts, a festival offers a series of continuous presentations by artists of different styles, but under the same concept that gives meaning to the poster. On this occasion, all the singers – in addition to being Latin American – are, to a greater or lesser extent, in love. That feeling was what they conveyed last Saturday night amidst euphoric screams and couples daring to dance, while a wave of cell phones pointed at the stage.

Carmen Deleon entered first, followed by Adso, who gave the first indication of the next Venezuelan artist, like him. Even during the day, the stadium began to fill with an audience mostly made up of couples with the arrival of Nacho, who recently announced his return with Chino. Their classics appeared since the separation of the duo and also the unexpected song “Tu angelito”, which aroused the screams of the National Stadium, which did not anticipate the “surprises” that ceased to be when they announced on the poster a moment called “A secret”. .

Nacho left the stage and with him the light of day. After an interlude that made the audience dance with freely chosen songs, the night arrived with Piso 21. The lights turned on, the fire left the stage and the smoke rose like large curtains that gave way to the Colombian quartet that moved on stage, even off, dancing and singing on the catwalk.

After saying goodbye singing songs like “Déjala que Volver”, “Te vi” and “Puntos suspensivos”, the stage was set for the next artist on the list: Mike Bahía. More than 10 years ago, the Colombian began his career in the second edition of La Voz Colombia, and since then he has released more than six hits that led him to venture into the world of tropical music, with a repertoire that never fails to put to dance people.

So it was. The trumpets and the contagious rhythm of the drums opened. It is the rhythm that lives up to the name of this edition of the festival, “Latin Party Edition”. First he released the most successful songs, and the public reaction was the usual one with artists of his stature: palms in the air and cell phones with flash activated. That’s why Bahía always wears her sunglasses, even at night. The night continued with salsa, bachata and a cover of “El preso” by Fruko and his Tesos.

Although on stage the party was organized between the singer and his musicians, on the long plain of the National Stadium the party was lived between sporadic dances of a few seconds, TikTok choreographies and selfies with the immensity of the lights flooding the stands. The music continued and boxes of pizzas, beers and dense smoke rose among the crowds, courtesy of the vapers. A couple of meters from the couples who were trying to coordinate their steps to dance, the photo booth was full, while in the small line, those waiting found the drink menu that ranged from 10-sole beers to bottle promotions. from Blue Label at the price of 2100 soles. “Take care of yourself, protect yourself and may God protect you,” proclaimed a Durex promoter with a condom in one hand and the other on his heart.

The Colombian said goodbye: “Every time I am away from here, I think of you and the warmth with which you receive me”, he thanked and left amidst applause. The interlude was long, but not heavy, since the DJ kept the atmosphere lively with songs by Ke Personajes. The lights went out once again and a different show began. Four dancers entered and Greeicy with them. Unrecognizable, different. Eyebrows designed to intimidate, a black latex suit and a short brown wig.

During this first part, which gave more space to the performance, Greeicy sang and danced for a camera that accompanied her throughout the stage. If one wanted to see it, it had to be in a big way, on the side screens, preferably during the first minutes. After a couple of songs, the stage went dark while people from the team covered her with a large cloth made from pieces of black leather. Some hooks appeared that elevated the singer, who began to sing almost overshadowed by the screams of the euphoric audience at the scene that seemed taken from a video clip.

After continuing in that style for half an hour, Greeicy left the stage and left us with a video where his son Yeliano appeared, whom he hugged with emotion. The lights turned on and another Greeicy appeared, one with a pink suit and long hair that left behind the femme fatale style to say: “I love you all very much, I like Peru, it should be repeated more often.” He continued his show until an unexpected cut in the sound, singing the final phrase a cappella, and the sound quickly returned to ask that the lights be turned off and, taking advantage of the cell phones in hand, he asked that they illuminate the Stadium with them.

After the emotional moment, Greeicy told a story that went back 10 years ago. A young Colombian singer met a Colombian singer, who was surrounded by another well-known singer from Colombia, whose name she did not mention during the narration. She slowly approached that singer and dared to speak to him, thus beginning one of the most lasting relationships in the urban scene, with a son: Yeliano himself.

The surprise of the night did not wait any longer. Mike Bahía came in to sing the song “Mi pecadito” with his partner Greeicy. They did it very closely, together, looking at each other. The couples of the night also joined in and danced to the beat of the song that lasted for a few more minutes. Before starting the second song, a kiss gave way to the following songs they have in collaboration, in addition to the unexpected announcement of taking a break from the stage. A necessary farewell at the gates of their wedding, still without an official date.

A couple of additional songs played, then Sebastián Yatra entered to sing his musical hits and continue with the party, which ended with Beéle, who after jumping on stage suffered a fall, nothing serious, but he restarted the song to do it right this time. The second one is the charm. Confetti exploded to say goodbye to the last artist of the night, while the couples left to continue the night to the rhythm of their own beat.

Source: Elcomercio

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