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Oasis: They launch a special podcast for the 30th anniversary of the British band’s first album

As part of the celebration of the 30 years since the release of Oasis’ first album, the Peruvian podcast “Whatever” presented the special “Definitely Maybe 30 years episode 1”, the first chapter of four dedicated to celebrating the band’s first album British by the Gallagher brothers.

In the special lasting more than an hour and a half, which premiered last Sunday, May 26, little-known details of the production of such a legendary record album were told.

“Definitely Maybe” is the first album by the British band Oasis, which at the time became the best-selling debut in the history of England, an event that unleashed the mania for Liam and Noel Gallagher’s band and founded the musical movement. called Britpop that dominated the second half of the nineties and that confronted grunge coming from the United States.

Recently, Oasis’ social networks were invaded by mysterious messages that hinted at a big announcement. In fact, many media outlets speculated about the long-awaited reunion of the group that broke up in 2009; However, it was the launch of a special collector’s edition of the album that will go on sale in August to celebrate three decades of music.

Songs like “Live Forever”, “Supersonic” or “Shakermaker” are part of this album and “Whatever the Oasis podcast in Spanish” aired on Sunday, May 26, the first episode of four dedicated to this founding album. The file is available on Spotify and YouTube. The second episode of the special will be announced soon.

“Whatever the Oasis podcast in Spanish” is produced and presented by Arturo Porquecas, Omar Gadea and Carlos Medina, three Peruvian fans of the band who have been launching this podcast since the pandemic in 2020, in several of its 62 chapters available on YouTube and Spotify You will find specials dedicated to their albums, curious facts and special lists of legendary and unreleased songs.

Source: Elcomercio

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