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“Chabuca”, a film by Ernesto Pimentel, premiered on Netflix with a different ending: What changed?

“Chabuca”the film that tells the life of Ernesto Pimentel has been released on Netflix with a different ending. This was noted by some Internet users, who noticed the important change.

The notable difference occurred in the last frames of the filmwhere they refer to the tragic end of the character Andrewho would be based on the figure of Alex Brocca (AB)the deceased boyfriend of Pimentel.

In that sense, the film was positioned in first place among the most viewed films in Peru. “CHABUCA is number 1 on Netflix Peru! Enjoy it on Netflix in the United States, Brazil, Spain and all of LATAM during LGTB+ Pride month.”Tondero wrote on social networks.

As is remembered, Brocca died in 2004 after losing the battle against HIV-AIDS. Therefore, in the version that was shown in cinemas, the film ensures that André (AB) He died due to his refusal to take antiretroviral treatment.

“André died of cancer several years ago. Ernesto visited his deathbed, they prayed together and they forgave each other. Unfortunately, did not decide to take HIV/AIDS medications on time. When she finally considered it, it was too late”is the original text.

Meanwhile, in the version that was uploaded to Netflix, the text changes its meaning and avoids revictimizationfocusing on the struggle that both André and Ernesto had for being homosexual and HIV carriers in the 90s.

“André and Ernesto FORGIVED each other. Before André lost his battle with cancer, they prayed and hugged each other, recognizing that both were victims of a society that does not respect diversity and unfairly stigmatizes people affected by HIV.”was the modification.

Given the controversy over the change in the footage, the actor who played Ernesto Pimentel, Sergio Armasgo, spoke out calling the action necessary.

“It even seems necessary to me because, for me at least, it clarifies the message a lot. Above all, it makes something clear that, both Ernesto and Alex Brocca, “They have been victims of a very emasculating society.”, noted in “Love and Fire.”

Then he added: “I even think it’s good that that happened because it is a much more conciliatory message.”

On the other hand, the young 31-year-old actor, He said that there is no modification in the film’s narrative to favor Pimentelbut it was a better closing.

“There is a modified message, but there is no distortion of a closure itself. So it seems well-founded and necessary to me.”he placed.

Source: Elcomercio

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