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The gastronomic route of the “Misias but travelers”: seven huariques of Peru that you cannot miss |  VIDEO

The gastronomic route of the “Misias but travelers”: seven huariques of Peru that you cannot miss | VIDEO

The gastronomic route of the “Misias but travelers”: seven huariques of Peru that you cannot miss |  VIDEO

Who said that to travel and eat rich you need a lot of money? At least in Peru, the proposals are vast and the “Misias but travelers” they know. Fatima and Daniela, creators of the popular channel YouTubeThey have just returned from a long trip through Egypt and Europe, and, like all Peruvians who respect themselves, what they missed the most about our country was the food, especially the huariques.

“The more we travel, the more we realize that eating rich is a privilege that is reserved for some social classes in some countries of the world. However, here in Peru we eat rich regardless of social status. It is an elementary part of our trunk as a society, no matter what budget we have in our pocket. We have just learned to value that. Eating on a budget of two or three soles is a privilege “, point out the youtubers to Advantage of El Comercio.

The “Misias but travelers”, who have just turned five years old and who have become a reference in tourism, emphasize the importance of sharing (“passing the data”) of the huariques because this type of promotion has a direct impact on the economy. of the business. Many of these places still do not have social networks, much less advertising. What are the “trusted old ladies” of the renowned influencers?

1. Picanteria La Dorita – Arequipa

Fatima and Daniela were walking through the streets of Mexico when they met Mrs. Lili and her husband. They recognized them and invited them to their picantería in Arequipa. Months later, when the “Misias pero voyageras” visited the white city, they responded to the call of this nice couple.

For the Misias, the picanterías are the great bastions of Arequipa’s gastronomy, in these places they prepare meals of yesteryear. Spicy dishes are the living memory of traditional recipes, which are passed down from generation to generation..

“At Picanteria La Dorita, Mrs. Lili is a fourth generation spicy cook and there are others where there are eighth and ninth generation spicy cooks, there are even eleventh generation. Is incredible”.

When entering the picantería, the diner already realizes that he is in a very special place. The picantera wears a huge hat and in the kitchens there are no gas balloons or blenders but stoves and fulling mills.

“In these kinds of places, ancestral dishes survive that if it weren’t for the picanterías they would have become extinct. Mrs. Lili told us how since she was a child she has been in the picanteria seeing her grandmother and then her mother and she had the vocation to continue with the legacy, in addition, the whole family is involved in the business. It is a very beautiful environment ”.

Picanteria La Dorita has on its menu dishes that cost from 14 soles and of which up to two people can eat. In addition, everything is accompanied with chicha de guiñapo, which they serve in ‘doctorcitos’. There is also the ‘on and off’ challenge, which consists of taking a shot of aniseed and a glass of chicha de guiñapo.

During the three weeks that they stayed, the Misias tried to try the entire menu, even the dishes that people ask the least, Daniela points out that she was fascinated with the vegetable torrejita, while Fátima liked the Arequipa marinade and the shrimp chupe .

Picantería La Dorita is located in Cuesta del Ángel 502 (one block from the Yanahuara square), Arequipa.

Note: the “Misias pero voyageras” recommend wearing a diver or baggy pants to cope with the onslaught of this culinary adventure.

2. Culería La Pradera – Cusco

The restaurant is nothing less than in the navel of the world and there the guinea pig is prepared in the oven and accompanied with potato cake or chips with shell and artisan noodles.

“Sometimes we don’t like the look of the dish very much, but it is a dish that we treasure because it is a living tradition. Each region has a way of preparing it. Prices range between 25 and 30 soles “, indicate the “Misias but travelers”.

You can find Cuyas La Pradera on Avenida 18 de Mayo, in Cusco.

3. San Pedro Market – Cusco

In the capital of the Inca Empire there is also one of the favorite places of Fatima. In the food and broth section of the San Pedro Market, the popular chanfaina is served combined with ceviche, noodles and huancaína.

“You have to raise your voice when ordering and be attentive to the landlady’s question: ‘Do you want the chanfaina alone or in combination’. The good thing is that the waiting time is short “say the Misias.

The San Pedro Market is located at Thupaq Amaru 477, Cusco.

4. Huerta Chinén – Lima

She is the “super reliable old lady” of the Misias and that of many Lima residents, they call this place when they are not cooking.

“The level of quality of food for the price is spectacular. The lady does not skimp on the size of the prey. You feel the taste of Peruvian Creole food. Mrs. Angelica is a cape, she has even been on Netflix. The menu is 12 soles. Dani likes rice with chicken with potatoes a la huancaína and from the outset the cause. Our cheeks are shattered by how rich it is. Finding a rich and reliable menu in the market is a luxury “, they assure. We were already hungry!

La Huerta Chinén is located at position 602 of Market N ° 2 of Surquillo (Lizardo Montero 705).

5. La Barra D ‘Ramiro

When the “Misias pero voyageras” arrive from abroad, the first thing they do is call Barra D ‘Ramiro.

“At the bar there are always combos. Our favorite dish is the Acevichada Causa, which costs 22 soles. In addition, they are open to criticism and call us to find out how the delivery, the protocols, etc. has been ”, comment the Misias.

Barra D ‘Ramiro is located at Jirón Manuel Irribarren 309, Surquillo.

6. La Carpita del Sabor – Lima

Something smells good on Avenida Los Lirios de San Juan de Miraflores, Daniela’s neighborhood. There, half of the people who go to or return to the Mall del Sur have had to go through La Carpita del Sabor, where various wines are served.

“It is powerful, although there is the option of broth without prey, the lady puts her sweetie on you: a sweetbread or giblet. And if you only have noodles, they add broth ”.

La Carpita del Sabor is located on Avenida Los Lirios 113, in San Juan de Miraflores (in front of the Mall del Sur)

7. Cevichería Caballito de Mar – Chimbote

Last but not least is the Caballito de Mar cevichería. The “Misias pero viajeras” attest that the freshness of the fish can be felt in this place and that the traditional dish can be found from 15 soles.

“In Chimbote the maruchita or palabritas ceviche is also popular. There you eat a lot of ceviche at night, the star dish is the ‘combinoche’ (which has maruchita ceviche) and you can find it from 6 pm to 6 soles. They sell it in all the main avenues ”, they underline.

Fatima Sotomayor and Daniela Cabrera are the Misias but travelers.  (Photo: Karen Zárate / GEC)

“That they leave us the data”

The “Misias but travelers” They have earned a place in the hearts of several Peruvians and those of us who know them. When they leave the country we miss them and they also miss everything here, especially the food, as we had already commented at the beginning of this article.

“A Peruvian since he was a child eats delicious at home and when he grows up he seeks the same experience. We are used to things getting rich. When we are in another country we miss everything. In other parts of the world eating is not a pleasure, but is part of survival. Here (in Peru) we hope that it is time for lunch ”.

“Our subscribers always say they have the best huarique and that is obvious because the gastronomic offer is vast. Therefore, we always invite you to leave us the data. All Peruvians have a good huarique. Foreign visitors are shocked by the price. Eating in Peru is quite cheap ”, conclude.

And how do they do it?

Although many of us envy their work, this is not easy at all and requires a lot of discipline. Fatima and Daniela pay for their trips with the profits from the Tiendita Misia, a space -which for the moment only works for delivery- where they sell products for travelers that they themselves design.

All items are made in Peru and the women test the prototypes on their longest trips. After strict quality control, they put them up for sale. “Although the prices are not the most misery, the products will accompany them until the end of the world”.


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