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Jennifer Lawrence still shocked by her intimate photos being hacked

Jennifer Lawrence will never get over it. In 2014, the star suffered a serious invasion of her privacy when very crude images leaked onto the internet. Hackers had indeed seized personal photos of her naked, taken from her iCloud account, and had distributed them everywhere. The actress was only 24 years old at the time. Seven years later, she is still affected by this rape of her privacy.

“Anyone can go and look at my naked body without my consent at any time of the day. Someone in France has just published them. My trauma will exist forever, ”she said in an interview for Vanity Fair.

Jennifer Lawrence refers to Jean-Marie Bigard’s magazine, which published the photos in her magazine. The publishing company was sentenced last month to 20,000 euros in damages.

Protect your family

The star of Hunger Games, who is pregnant with her first child, has since tried to do everything to preserve her privacy, as well as that of her family. “Every instinct in my body wants to protect their privacy for the rest of their existence, as much as I can. I don’t want anyone to feel welcome in their existence. And I feel like it starts with not including them in this part of my work, ”she added.

Jennifer Lawrence has indeed been focusing on her private life in recent months. She put aside her career to get married and start a family, whereas she explains having had “the impression of not having a life” until then and having felt the need “to create one”. However, the star is coming back to the fore with her new film, Don’t Look Up, where she stars alongside Leonardo DiCaprio.


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