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Anahi de Cárdenas resumes her musical career with the song “Show Up”

Anahi de Cárdenas resumes her musical career with the song “Show Up”

Anahi de Cárdenas resumes her musical career with the song “Show Up”

Lima, December 1, 2021Updated on 12/01/2021 03:58 pm

The actress Anahi de CárdenasRecognized for her participation in films such as “Asu Mare” and “Don’t tell me a spinster”, she resumed her career as a singer and presented the song “Show Up”, released by the New York record label Cerro Music Group.

This new song is recorded entirely in the English language, and seeks to mark the internationalization of the artist in the music market. The theme is a collaboration with composer Andrei Matorin.

“I’m so excited. We have waited a long time to present Show Up to you, a lot happened for the song to come out. I am very grateful and I feel blessed to have such good friends who joined this project, especially Andrei, the producer and co-composer “, said the artist through a statement.

The new song by Anahi de Cárdenas was composed during the last months of the pandemic and the actress assured that every detail has been worked out with great care.

“From the beginning we wanted Show Up to be a party to celebrate life, the analogy of the song is that if life is a party, all you have to do is show up. The background of the song is to be willing to be and live fully “he commented.

It should be noted that Anahi de Cárdenas stands out on the local scene thanks to her work in film, theater and television. One of his last television appearances was in the middle of the year, when he participated in “The Artist of the Year.”

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