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Hilaria Baldwin thanks fans for empathizing with Alec after “Rust” drama

Hilaria Baldwin would like to thank those who have supported her husband since the tragedy on the set of Rust two months earlier. The actor was holding the gun that killed Halyna Hutchins, the director of photography for the western.

“I am grateful to the people who stop my husband to tell him that they are thinking of him, that they are praying for him. “Hang on Alec”, “Hang on”, “We’re here for you”… All these messages are life changing for him. And so is our family, ”wrote Hilaria Baldwin in an Instagram post.

A big heart

“Grateful to this super human who said he prayed for him today as he passed by. I could not ask you your name during this brief meeting, but you are a special soul and a big heart, ”added the yoga teacher in the caption of a photo of Alec Baldwin in the middle of a discussion with a man driving a truck.

Recently, the actor published an open letter signed by 25 members of the team of Rust in order to refute the rumors that the security conditions on the set of the film were catastrophic. Two members of the team chose to file a complaint against him and the production for lax security protocols. Furthermore, Alec Baldwin accepts no responsibility for the accidental gunshot.


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