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“Ancón protests”: a singer who was born and grew up in a historic spa expresses her pain regarding the theme | VIDEO

My Ancón, what is happening to you, what are they doing to you, you are dying… They contaminated you and they do not give reason…. You messed with my house, with my people, with my neighborhood…. With crossed arms we will not stay , we are anconeros, we will get up…”.

The singer Iván Mere was born and grew up in Ancón, loving the sea and the animal species that inhabit its coastline. Until five days ago, touring the spa was his greatest enjoyment. It is currently his worst nightmare. Twelve beaches in the district are affected by the spill of 6 thousand barrels of oil occurred on January 15 in the Ventanilla Sea, during the unloading of crude oil carried out by the La Pampilla Refinery (Repsol). “Seeing the sea covered with oil and the animals dying fills me with great sadness, it breaks my soul.”, asserts the national artist.

Yesterday I saw 20 people with a tractor trying to clean a sea that is gigantic. Many people are not aware of the seriousness of the issue. What has happened is an emotional, psychological and economic blow that is too strong, since we have just had the beaches closed due to the pandemic and now this“, Add.

Inspired by the difficult moment that the aforementioned district is going through, Ivan Mere created “Ancón Protesta”, a song that he claims expresses the feelings of the residents of Ancón,

“Ehe feeling of all the people in this place is the same: of disapproval, because the company responsible for what happened is not doing what is necessary to put an end to this. We were thinking of helping to clean the sea, but we have heard that it is too toxic for health, so we prefer not to take the risk.”, he highlights.

The initial idea was to make the song with the background of ‘Ancón, Ancón’, a symbolic theme of the district, but it’s too happy to talk about what needs to be talked about, so I decided to do it with a more urban rhythm, more of the street, of town, in hip hop. As soon as I had it ready I shared it and everyone is sharing it. I think it is time for the people to make themselves felt and for those responsible to assume their responsibility. Saving the sea and the coastline is the most important thing”He remarks.

Ivan Mere, singer known as ‘El Lobo de la Calle, he composed the theme of the remembered Channel 2 miniseries “Sand Warriors” based on the life of the ballerina Vania Masías and the Arena Angels.

Among his most popular songs are: “Arriba el Perú”, “Nací para amarte”, “Tú y yo”, among others.

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