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Hospitalizations on the rise, contaminations on the decline

Hospitalizations on the rise, contaminations on the decline

Hospitalizations on the rise, contaminations on the decline

The number of people hospitalized with a diagnosis of Covid-19 increased slightly this Sunday, while contamination continues to decline, according to figures released Sunday evening by health authorities.

More than 33,000 hospitalized patients

33,027 patients are currently in hospital with a Covid diagnosis (including 902 admissions in the past 24 hours) compared to 32,867 on Saturday and 31,536 a week ago, according to Public Health France.

Critical care services had 3,577 patients (including 106 admissions) against 3,606 on Saturday and 3,641 a week ago.

The number of new cases stood at 155,439 against 214,542 the day before. On average over seven days, 242,899 daily cases have been recorded, a sharp drop from the 338,052 recorded a week ago, seeming to confirm that the peak of contamination has passed.

The number of deaths since the start of the epidemic, almost two years ago, stands at 132,506.

Source: 20minutes

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