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More than half of children have increased their screen consumption since the health crisis

More than half of children have increased their screen consumption since the health crisis

More than half of children have increased their screen consumption since the health crisis

According to a study by Ipsos for the Observatory of Parenthood and Digital Education and the National Union of Family Associations, 44% of parents and 53% of children have increased their screen consumption since the start of the crisis. sanitary.

Since 2019, children have notably increased their consumption on almost all screens: 6% in front of the computer, 8% in front of the television, 11% in front of a smartphone and 23% in front of a tablet. The most used screen remains the television. Only consumption in front of video games has fallen by 6% since 2019.

Parents underestimate their children’s consumption

According to the study, parents also tend to underestimate the time spent by their children in front of their screens by 23%, over an average week. Children aged between 7 and 10 years even spend almost three times more time on this tool than their parents imagine (37 minutes against 1 hour 26 minutes in reality).

According to parents, 9% of 7-10 year olds go on social networks, while children say 28% do. Finally, according to parents, 43% of children aged 0 to 2 use the Internet.

Source: 20minutes

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