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Hospitalizations on the rise, but fewer patients in intensive care

French hospitals currently have 31,621 patients with Covid (including 697 who arrived in 24 hours), up from Saturday (31,522), but down from last week (33,027). These figures had not ceased to decline daily since Tuesday.

The number of people hospitalized in critical care units, which treat the most serious cases, in particular in intensive care, is on the other hand in decline, with 3,305 patients (including 90 daily admissions) against 3,324 the day before, and 3,577 there is a week. That figure has been falling every day since Monday.

Shorter hospital stays and a lower risk of resuscitation

Now largely dominant, the Omicron variant causes less severe forms of Covid, which results in shorter hospital stays and a lower risk of going to intensive care.

On the contamination side, the decline continues, confirming that the fifth wave of the epidemic has begun to ebb. In 24 hours, 86,562 positive cases were recorded, against 118,611 on Saturday.

On average over the last seven days, this indicator stands at 135,779 against 242,899 the previous Sunday.

In 24 hours, 107 people were killed by the disease in hospital, after 161 the day before. Since the start of the epidemic, Covid-19 has killed 134,804 people.

Source: 20minutes

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