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The world records more than six million deaths from COVID-19 since the pandemic began

The world records more than six million deaths from COVID-19 since the pandemic began

The world records more than six million deaths from COVID-19 since the pandemic began

More than six million deaths related to COVID-19 They were officially reported in the world since the pandemic began, according to an AFP count made this Tuesday from official balances.

In total, 6,001,585 people have died of COVID-19 in the world, but the balance of deaths in one week since the spring of 2020.

In the last seven days, an average of 7,170 deaths were reported each day, while the previous week an average of 8,706 deaths per day had been registered, which implies a decrease of 18%.

After the peak of the wave linked to the Ómicron variant, reached between February 4 and 10 of this year (11,142 daily deaths), this figure

Africa is the continent in which the greatest drop in the number of deaths was detected in the last seven days (-44% compared to the previous week). In the last seven days, 817 deaths were recorded, against 1,452.

The trend of the balances of the three countries most affected by the pandemic also registered decreases: the United States (9,889 deaths in the last seven days, -31%), Brazil (3,008, -36%) and India (1,259, -27%). ).

The number of deaths linked to COVID-19 fell 14% this week (19,050 compared to 22,051 in the previous seven days), as many European countries ease restrictions.

The downward trend was detected above all in Turkey (1,236 deaths in the last seven days, -28%), Italy (1,250, -21%), France (1,084, -21%) and Poland (1,234, -17%). ).

In contrast, in Southeast Asia, a rebound in infections and deaths was observed. Hong Kong registered 290,987 cases this week (double the previous week) and 1,543 deaths (more than triple).

This balance, which takes into account the deaths recorded by the national health authorities, of the real deaths linked to COVID-19.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that, if the excess mortality directly and indirectly related to COVID-19 is considered, the balance of the pandemic could be two to three times higher than that officially registered.

Source: Elcomercio

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