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CERN decides not to collaborate with Russia anymore and suspends it as an observer

Lima, March 8, 2022Updated on 03/08/2022 12:50 pm

The European Center for Particle Physics (CERN) “firmly” condemned the invasion of Ukraine and announced today that it has decided not to collaborate with Russia or with institutions in this country.

At an extraordinary meeting on the war in Ukraine, held by its highest decision-making body, it also approved the suspension of Russia’s observer status at CERN, one of the largest scientific research centers in Europe and the world.

and, in this line, the entity indicated that it will promote initiatives to support Ukrainian collaborators, as well as the scientific activity of this country in the field of high energy physics.

“We will carefully monitor the situation and the Council (decision-making body) is ready to take additional measures, if appropriate, at its future meetings,” CERN said in a statement.

”The 23 member states of CERN (the highest status) strongly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and deplore the loss of life and humanitarian impact, as well as Belarus’ involvement in the”, the organization added.

Several Ukrainian scientists work on various experiments and are involved in activities at CERN, which promised “contribute to the humanitarian effort in Ukraine and help the community of this country within the institution.”

He also expressed his support for the many members of the Russian scientific community at CERN who

”CERN was created after World War II to unite nations and peoples in the peaceful development of science. This Russian aggression goes against everything the Organization stands for.”lament.

Source: Elcomercio

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