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Do you have trouble sleeping because of your partner’s snoring? tell us

A sound of tractor, locomotive, mower or drill. In short, an intense noise that drives you crazy. If you experience it almost every night, you already know what it is: snoring. Finally, snoring! Whether they are continuous, intermittent or even produced with variations in intensity and sound, they have the same effect: stopping the sleep of the poor souls who share a bed with a snorer. Snorer or snorer who, during this time, sleeps soundly and therefore does not see where the problem is.

This makes the dodo equation quickly insoluble, especially since anti-snoring devices are not known for their great efficiency (when the snorer deigns to try them). For those who try to join the arms of Morpheus – and to stay there until the scheduled wake-up time and not before – sleeping an uninterrupted and restorative sleep can turn into an impossible mission.

Is this your case? How long have you suffered from your partner’s snoring? To what extent and proportions does his snoring affect your sleep (difficulty falling asleep, insomnia, nocturnal awakenings)? Does it affect your energy and focus during the day? Have you tried anything to stop suffering from this noise nuisance (earplugs, or even a separate bedroom)? Have you consulted a doctor to manage your sleep disturbances and fatigue caused by this snoring? Tell us.

Source: 20minutes

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