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WHO warns that the COVID-19 pandemic is “far from the end”

WHO warns that the COVID-19 pandemic is “far from the end”

WHO warns that the COVID-19 pandemic is “far from the end”

The spokeswoman for the World Health Organization (WHO) assured this Friday that the end of the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19 it is a long way off, with a significant increase in cases in its latest weekly data.

When asked by a journalist at a press conference in Geneva Regarding the moment of the end of the pandemic, Margaret Harris, spokesperson for the entity, has confirmed that “Definitely, we are in the middle of the pandemic”, he added.

This week, the director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has warned of the increase in cases of COVID-19 in recent days, and

“After several weeks of declines, reported cases of COVID-19 are on the rise again around the world, especially in parts of Asia. These increases come despite reduced testing in some countries, meaning the cases we are seeing are just the tip of the iceberg.” The WHO director general has warned.

According to Tedros, it is “to be expected” that local outbreaks and spikes will continue, especially in areas where measures to prevent transmission have been lifted. Thus, he has warned that this increase in cases “We call on all countries to remain vigilant”has asked.

For this reason, he has urged to continue vaccinating, testing, sequencing, providing early care to patients and applying “common sense” public health measures to protect health workers and the population.

Thus, he recalled that there are “unacceptably high” levels of mortality from COVID-19 in many countries, especially where vaccination levels are low among susceptible populations. “We continue to call on everyone to get vaccinated, and we continue to work day and night to expand access to vaccines everywhere”he assured, to remember that “The COVID-19 pandemic is not over”.

Causes of the increase in cases worldwide

As for the causes of this increase in cases, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO epidemiologist, has pointed to a “ “The Ómicron variant is predominant, and this is transmitted very intensely, especially the BA.2 sublineage, which is the most transmissible we have seen to date”, has highlighted.

In fact, Van Kerkhove has pointed out that, in the last 30 days, 99.9 percent of the sequenced samples were from Omicron: 75 percent from the BA.2 sublineage and 25 percent from the BA.1. However, he has clarified that ”between BA.1 and BA.2. “However, you will see more hospitalizations due to the higher number of cases,” has assured.

It has also pointed out that the lifting of restrictions and the cessation of limits on movement have contributed to this greater spread of the virus in recent days. “The information that Ómicron causes mild disease is confusing, and that is why we see the cases increase. We understand that the world has to move forward, but this virus spreads very efficiently, and without proper measures, the virus will continue to spread.”he pointed out, insisting on the importance of vaccination.

In this regard, the executive director of the WHO Emergencies Program, Michael Ryan, has clarified that “the vast majority” of people who get seriously ill are older people with other conditions who have not received the vaccine or, at least, have not received the vaccine. the complete pattern. “All countries must ensure that vulnerable individuals have access to vaccines. The virus still moves quite easily.”has apostilled.


Source: Elcomercio

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