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WHO warns of measles outbreaks after decrease in vaccination rate

WHO warns of measles outbreaks after decrease in vaccination rate

WHO warns of measles outbreaks after decrease in vaccination rate

Several outbreaks of measles in different parts of the world are highlighting the decline in vaccination coverage against this highly infectious disease, the World Health Organization (WHO)

The agency noted that the pandemic COVID-19 It is one of the main causes of this situation, but not the only one, since outbreaks are also occurring in fragile countries, such as those experiencing armed conflicts or humanitarian crises.

According to the organization’s data, some 25 million children who should have been vaccinated in 2021 were not, which implies a setback of fifteen years in the efforts to eradicate the virus. measles.

“We are talking about one of the most infectious diseases that exists, in which a single infected person can infect another twelve to eighteen people, which shows the significant risk of spread”said in a press conference the director of the Department of Immunization of the WHOKate O’Brien.

Never before has the number of children not vaccinated against measles increased so much as in the last two years, he said.

WHO experts are alarmed that measles outbreaks are growing not only in number but also in size, and have warned that this could kill children if governments don’t launch vaccination campaigns quickly.

The WHO has evidence of malaria outbreaks in 26 countries in the last twelve months, particularly in Asia and Africa.

O’Brien also said there is a danger of measles jumping from children to adolescents and young adults who have not been vaccinated and have never been exposed to the virus before.

Source: Elcomercio

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