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more than one in two young people already victim of this scourge

more than one in two young people already victim of this scourge

more than one in two young people already victim of this scourge

The finding is worrying. According to a survey published Tuesday by the e-Enfance association, more than one in two young adults has already been cyberbullied, which led half of these victims to think about suicide.

Insults or mockery, sharing of photos without the consent of the person concerned: 60% of young people aged 18 to 25 have already been victims of cyberbullying according to the study.

“It is an age when young people are sometimes very alone and find themselves in a precarious situation, however they have the need for socialization at this age, which leads them to take risks” online, underlines Justine Atlan, Executive Director of e-Enfance.

Serious consequences

Cyberbullying sometimes has “heavy” consequences on the physical and mental health of victims: 69% of them say they have suffered from insomnia, appetite problems or felt despair and 49% say they have thought about suicide.

The majority of victims experienced cyberbullying for the first time before the age of 21. The most used platforms (TikTok) are those where there are the most reports of cyberbullying.

This study was carried out by the Audirep Institute between May 18 and June 3 via the internet, with a representative sample of 1,209 young people aged 18 to 25.

Source: 20minutes

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