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More and more people are willing to stop eating meat to help take care of the planet

More and more people are willing to stop eating meat to help take care of the planet

More and more people are willing to stop eating meat to help take care of the planet

The climatic impact of meat production and issues related to health are the main reasons why more than 30% of consumers of conventional proteins would be willing to replace them with alternative proteins.

This has been one of the findings of the report “The Untapped Climate Opportunity in Alternative Proteins”, carried out by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and Blue Horizon.

This is a survey carried out among more than 3,700 consumers in seven countries (China, France, Germany, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and USA). While for three quarters of those surveyed the main reason is to adopt a healthier diet, more than 30% would be willing to make the change if it has a positive impact on caring for the planet.

“You see a pretty big trend in the alternative protein development world. This begins with some value propositions from the US, such as ‘beyond beef’, which are beginning to generate food substitutes that emulate animal protein, in its physical characteristics, in its flavor, in its textures. They change a lot from the previous dynamic, in which they were products made from grain or soybeans, with a very different texture and flavor,” points to Trade Andrés Giraldo, managing director & partner of BCG.

The spokesperson believes that consumer understanding has changed, not only because of achieving a healthier diet through more products of plant origin, but also because there is a growing awareness for the environment. “Animal protein consumption is associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Food production represents 25% of the world’s gas emissions. Mass consumption companies, in their production chains, represent 85% of emissions. That has a weight.”

the local situation

In Peru, more than 50% of Peruvians recognize that this is a growing market and that it has positive effects on the environment and animals, reveals an Equilibrium study.

“In Latin America, these decisions, more than being related to young people, have to do with access to information. Now more people are willing to try new products.” Giraldo comments.

Alternative proteins can eliminate the risk of supply chain disruptions and play a critical role in the fight against climate change, he concludes.


direct hit

The BCG and Blue Horizon report shows that investments in plant-based protein are more capex-efficient with respect to CO2 and methane emission reductions than in any other industry.

Source: Elcomercio

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