Don’t feel rested? This could be the reason (Picture: Getty)

It’s that time of year when it’s eternally dark, there are lots of Christmas parties and it’s freezing cold.

All of these things can wreak havoc on sleep – which is obviously not good for our health.

In fact, we all have this repetitive cycle of constantly waking up, checking the clock, and struggling to get back into a deep sleep, especially during the holiday season.

Experts say this particular type of sleep can be classified as “junk sleep” — essentially describing a type of sleep that’s inadequate, disrupted, and generally considered quite bad for your health.

Eight hours of quality sleep a night allows our minds and bodies to rejuvenate. But with junk sleep, our forty winks become superficial and awkward — instead of deep and blissful.

Symptoms of “garbage sleep”:

The symptoms of junk sleep are quite obvious. And experts say you’ll probably know right away that the reasons why you feel this way are due to a lack of enough quality sleep.

Symptoms include:

  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • Bad concentration
  • brain fog
  • irritability
  • Low energy and mood
  • muscle pain and muscle soreness
  • hot flashes
  • Night sweat
  • Poor cognitive skills
  • sallow skin, ashen complexion or older appearance

Martin Seeley, a sleep expert and CEO of mattressesnextday, says a good way to understand junk sleep is to compare it to diet and nutrition.

“When we eat junk food that has no nutritional value, we feel bad. On the other hand, when we eat nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals, we feel good,” says Martin.

“Same with sleep. We need that long, deep, undisturbed sleep that helps our mind and body function normally.”

Junk sleep describes the type of sleep where you can fall asleep on the couch in front of the TV, take a nap at work, fall asleep on public transport, take naps during the day, or fall asleep before getting ready to go to work. to go to bed. – so you have to wake up again to wash and change.”

Or it could just be a very restless night.

So how can you avoid unhealthy sleep and close your eyes deeply and calmly?

Woman sleeping on a couch at home

Junk sleep is superficial sleep (Picture: Getty Images)

Set personal boundaries

Establishing personal limits and boundaries is important to ensure you stay away from unwanted sleep and make an effort to get a good night’s sleep, Martin explains.

He says, “If you’re going out for a celebratory drink, set a curfew so you can come home and get a good night’s sleep so you can sleep enough to get through the next day.

“Communication is key with these things, so let those you’re with — whether they’re friends, family, or colleagues — know you’re not staying too long so they know what to expect and won’t try to rip you off.” to take out. lures away.’

Stick to a regular sleep schedule

“At this time of year, it can be incredibly difficult to stick to your regular bedtime, but sticking to a regular sleep schedule will help you get the best night’s sleep and stay energized all season long,” says Martin.

“Maintaining good sleep hygiene is also crucial. Make sure your bedroom is clean and relaxed before you head out so you can go straight to bed when you get home and have washed up.

“Also make sure your room is dark enough and has a good temperature.

“If you have trouble falling asleep at night, try reading instead of staring at a phone screen, taking a bath, or listening to relaxing music.”

Top view of a beautiful young woman lying in bed and covering her face with a pillow.

Follow these top tips and fall asleep (Picture: Getty Images)

Don’t overdo your social calendar

Christmas burnout is one thing. And just like at work, it can happen that you say ‘yes’ to everything and your body can no longer keep up.

This not only leads to an unhealthy night’s sleep, but it also does not improve.

Martin says: “Try to plan your schedule accordingly and only say ‘yes’ to the things you really want to do or events that are spread out over the weekend, so you can spend the weeknights relaxing and sleeping freely.

“People around you will understand that you don’t want to feel tired and uncomfortable, so please respect your wish not to be there or leave a little earlier than everyone else.”

Limit your alcohol consumption

Eating and drinking too much at this time of year is quite normal. However, try to watch your intake, especially since drinking too much alcohol can disrupt and interfere with sleep.

Martin says: “Not only does alcohol dehydrate you and give you a hangover, the alcohol in your system also causes you to spend less time in the all-important REM sleep stage, meaning you wake up feeling groggy and less refreshed. then when.” You would have that I didn’t drink. didn’t drink that much.

“Moreover, drinking at night means you have to go to the toilet more often, which means you also have a bad night’s sleep.”