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still more than 2,000 patients in intensive care, peak in sight

still more than 2,000 patients in intensive care, peak in sight

still more than 2,000 patients in intensive care, peak in sight

With 235 people placed in intensive care in the past 24 hours (103 Sunday, 165 Saturday), critical care services are welcoming 2,215 patients on Monday (2,128 Sunday, 2,106 Saturday). This indicator, closely scrutinized by health authorities, had fallen below the 1,000 patient mark on July 7.

“What the Institut Pasteur tells us (is that) we could have reached the peak of intensive care in a few days and then we could have a stabilization of entries and exits in intensive care; that is to say that we avoid the saturation of hospitals and then we could hope for a decrease ”, indicated the Minister of Health Olivier Véran on BFMTV.

But the politician hastened to put a “downside”: “in a few days, there will be the start of the school year and currently there are also many French people who were on vacation in the South and South-West regions where he There is the strongest circulation of the virus, which will return to regions which were little affected by the 4th wave, which is why we must be extremely vigilant ”.

According to Mr. Véran, “the impact of vaccination”, “the impact of the health pass” and “our ability to test the French”, however, allow “to look ahead with less concern than a month ago before the French go on vacation ”.

The number of hospitalizations is still high with 11,007 patients (10,651 Sunday, 10,463 Saturday), including 943 in 24 hours. With 108 deaths in 24 hours, the death toll has now reached 113,480 since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic.

For nearly a month, the curve of hospitalizations linked to Covid has gone up. The situation is particularly worrying in Overseas. In Guadeloupe and Martinique, “the hospitals are packed, we see the difference between a territory vaccinated (the metropolis, editor’s note) and one that is not,” lamented Mr. Véran.

A third dose for those over 65?

Regarding the issue of the 3rd dose of vaccine, Mr. Véran specifies that the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) “will inform us soon”. The Minister of Health thinks that the HAS “will probably tell us to make this 3rd injection in all people aged 65 and over, who are traditionally called upon to be vaccinated against the flu and in those, younger, suffering from diseases. chronic, which are very fragile ”.

“We could start at the beginning of September, there would necessarily be a delay of at least six months between the 2nd and the 3rd injection,” he concluded.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign in France, 47,620,552 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 70.6% of the total population) and 41,637,794 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 61.8% of the total population)


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