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Flu epidemic continues to rage, bronchiolitis peak passed

The three epidemics that hit hospitals at the end of the year will not peak at the same time. Wave 9 of Covid is leveling off and bronchiolitis has been on the decline for two weeks now. On the other hand, the flu continues to progress, especially for this time of year, Public Health France reported on Wednesday.

Reaching levels not seen in over 10 years, emergency room visits and infant hospital admissions for bronchiolitis fell for the second week in a row last week. However, all regions remain on high alert and indicators remain at very high levels.

Influenza Peak “We Have Ahead”

On the contrary, the flu epidemic is still progressing, and at a particularly high level for this time of year. Last week, emergency room visits and flu-like illness admissions jumped 84% and 118%, respectively, from the previous week. This dramatic increase is being seen “in all age groups,” French public health warns. All regions of metropolitan France have been in the epidemic phase, the highest level of readiness, for two weeks now.

The peak of the influenza epidemic is “we are ahead of us,” Rémi Salomon, president of the medical commission for the establishment of public assistance – Paris Hospitals at the RMC, warned this Wednesday morning. And the pediatrician should be urged to “observe the barrier gestures”, and in particular to wear a mask indoors.

This co-circulation of several viruses (influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, etc.) “could have a significant impact in the coming weeks, especially among people at risk of hospitalization and death,” French public health warns. . The body considers “it is important that people at risk protect themselves by resorting to seasonal flu and Covid-19 vaccinations as soon as possible.”

Source: Le Parisien

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