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Pollen allergy: red alert in France, but when?

Tough times for people with pollen allergies. Pollen circulates extensively in France for several weeks, especially for several days, due to weather conditions that release and disperse grass pollen into the air.

Indeed, at the end of May, the National Network of Aerobiological Surveillance (RNSA) issued a red alert for grass pollen to 90 departments, i.e. almost the entire area.

Bad news for many when we know that “grass pollen is the allergen most responsible for hay fever (allergic rhinitis caused by pollen) in patients,” as stated on their website by ALK Laboratories, a pioneer in allergy research and treatment.

More bad news: the grass season is the longest among the pollen, as it lasts for five months, from May to September. If most pollen is present in the air before the end of May or even earlier, as is the case with cypress, birch, willow or poplar, allergy season does not end for people who are sensitive to oak, olive or linden pollen.

Recall that pollen allergy affects 30 to 35% of adults and about 20% of children aged 9 years and older, according to ANSES. According to the allergist federations, the prevalence of respiratory allergies has tripled in 30 years.

Source: Le Parisien

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