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Heat: how to deal with heat and high temperatures? Our journalist answers you


  • The heatwave, described by Météo France as “not exceptional, but whose persistence requires special vigilance,” will affect the south-east of France. On Tuesday or even Wednesday, the mercury column can rise to 40 °.
  • Seven departments were put on high alert: Pyrenees-Orientales, Vaucluse, Var, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Alpes-Maritimes, Haute Corse and Corse du Sugue.
  • Elsewhere, in the Mediterranean region, records are expected, especially in Spain and Italy. Thus, in Sardinia it can be 48 °. French tourists admit that they feel “like in an oven.”
  • To help you protect yourself and understand this peak of extreme heat, our reporter Nicolas Berrod will answer your questions on Tuesday from 12:00 Moscow time. Feel free to ask him now.

Welcome to our Q&A

The temperatures of this mid-July exceed or approach the record ones, and not only in our country. Is it related to the thermal dome? Besides, what is it? Can I continue to bear a child? Feel free to ask questions about health and the environment to our specialist.

Source: Le Parisien

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