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Reserves at a “dangerously critical” level, warns the EFS

Reserves at a “dangerously critical” level, warns the EFS

Reserves at a “dangerously critical” level, warns the EFS

Now is the time to give of yourself. So due to the blood collection has been weakened for 18 months already by the health crisis, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) is worried this Monday about the “dangerously critical” level of blood reserves. 77,000 bags of red blood cells are available today while a satisfactory level is 100,000.

Faced with this “unprecedented situation”, the EFS has set itself the objective of increasing the reserves of 30,000 bags in three weeks and says it is ready for “an exceptional mobilization of its teams and its collection capacities to welcome the donors of blood “. Thus, it “will welcome all donors in the next three weeks, including those who come without an appointment,” she said in a statement.

In the past two weeks, around 15% of appointments have remained vacant. Collections in companies, high schools and campuses, which represent 20 to 30% of donations, have been largely suspended. The EFS is also facing very strong tensions in the nursing and medical professions throughout the country. To carry out the samples, 200 positions are open for recruitment on its site.


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