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According to ANSES, formalin, especially used in hospitals, can cause leukemia.

Its connection to the disease remained a matter of debate. Some leukemias are caused by occupational exposure to formaldehyde, also called formaldehyde, French health authorities confirmed on Tuesday, moving to ease recognition of the disease as an occupational disease. The substance had already been classified as carcinogenic by various European and international organizations, particularly for nasopharyngeal cancer, but the risk of leukemia was still under debate.

After analyzing various data, the National Agency for Health Security (ANSES) concluded that there is a “proven cause-and-effect relationship between occupational exposure to formaldehyde and myeloid leukemia,” according to a press release. ANSES, contacted by several ministries (health, labor, etc.), published a report confirming the existence of this cause-and-effect relationship.

She points to the widespread use of formaldehyde, for example as a preservative in embalming, a disinfectant in hospitals and agriculture, and a fixative in anatomical cytopathology laboratories. In the wood, textile or rubber industries, some products or resins may also release formaldehyde.

High level of exposure in certain occupational environments

Since the introduction of rules to prevent carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic risks to reproduction in the Labor Code in the early 2000s, there has been an “overall reduction in the proportion of workers exposed,” according to the Manuscripts. However, some workers may still be exposed to high levels of formaldehyde in funeral services, healthcare, carpentry, veneer manufacturing, wood panel manufacturing, etc.

The institution is paving the way for the recognition of myeloid leukemia as an occupational disease, giving preference to a table that will complement the tables of occupational pathologies associated with formaldehyde (dermatitis, eczema, rhinitis, asthma, nasopharyngeal cancer). According to ANSES, this will “make it easier to recognize cases of cancer” and will help raise awareness among employees, patients, employers and doctors.

“There have been few requests for occupational recognition of myeloid leukemia in the last ten years,” she noted. This could be explained by haematologists’ “very uneven knowledge” of occupational risk factors and recognition systems, or the “difficulty of monitoring occupational exposure to formaldehyde”, especially for some workers, such as those involved in cleaning.

Source: Le Parisien

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