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Doubling of medical deductibles will come into effect ‘at the end of March’, government says

Doubling of medical deductibles will come into effect ‘at the end of March’, government says

Doubling of medical deductibles will come into effect ‘at the end of March’, government says

The government has launched a process to double franchises for medicine boxes, paramedical procedures, medical transport, consultations and biological examinations, which will take effect from the end of March, Bersi and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity said.

The medical deductible is the amount deducted from the Health Insurance Fund’s compensation for medicines, paramedical procedures and medical transport. Currently, the cost of a box of medicines is 50 euro cents. The same goes for every paramedical procedure (physical therapy, nursing care, etc.). And for medical consultations – then we are talking about a “fixed fee” – this is 1 euro.

This measure was announced by Emmanuel Macron at his press conference on January 16. “When I see how much our countrymen can spend on a phone plan, everyday life, thinking we’re going to go from 50 cents to 1 euro for a box of medicine, I don’t feel like we’re committing a terrible crime. – he defended himself. According to the government, doubling the medical deductible should help fill the gap in health insurance.

According to health insurance, the medical deductible is currently limited to 50 euros per year. But Emmanuel Macron announced that this restriction would only be maintained for certain categories of patients, such as people suffering from chronic diseases.

Source: Le Parisien

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