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There are already 25 patients waiting in Rambouillet’s emergency department at 9 a.m.: “An unbearable situation”

For thirty years he has been walking the corridors of the Rambouillet hospital center (Yvelines). This seasoned emergency physician had just finished a 24-hour shift without “even two minutes of sleep.” He agreed to give anonymous testimony following an article in Le Parisien published on January 28. The report, “In the Hell of the Emergency Corridor,” focuses on the situation at the Versailles hospital, where medical staff found an unconscious, dead patient “all alone, in his corner,” behind a curtain.

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The Rambouillet hospital, 35 km away, has an average of 30,000 adult emergency room visits each year, compared with 90,000 at the Mignot hospital in Versailles. But he’s also not immune to this “confusing and intractable equation”: correctly treating more patients in fewer beds.

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Source: Le Parisien

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