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Hunter’s Full Moon: Why is it called that and when to see it in October?

The next full moon that we will be able to appreciate from our country is known as the ‘hunter’s moon’. It is also called ‘travel moon’ or ‘blood moon’, according to the NASA.

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When to see the ‘hunter’s moon’

To be able to enjoy it in its maximum splendor,. But it may be crowded from Monday night to Thursday.

“The Moon will appear full for about three days around this time (10 am), from Monday night to Thursday night,” details NASA.

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According to the Geophysical Institute of Peru, the next day, October 21,; then on October 28, the last quarter. Check out the full schedule in this video:

Why is it called ‘hunter’s moon’?

The first time it was called ‘was in 1710. NASA explains that in ancient North American culture, with the leaves already fallen and the deer with an appropriate weight, it was time to hunt. The previous moon was the harvest moon, and since the produce had already been gathered from the fields, the fields were clear and the hunters could easily see the animals.

But this October Moon is also present in other civilizations of the world. “For Buddhists,, the three-month fasting period for monsoon-linked Buddhist monks. There are numerous festivals and holy days associated with this moon at the end of Vassa. Many Buddhists celebrate the holy day Pavarana on this day. “, details the agency.

Why is it known as’? Because it is also the, in addition other animals begin to prepare for the winter, since the names were assigned according to the moments of the northern hemisphere.

With information from El País / GDA

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