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More than 20% of Peruvians have prediabetes

In Peru, more than 20% of the population have prediabetes, a potentially serious condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be considered diabetes.

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According to Dr. Jesús Rocca, endocrinologist and member of the Peruvian Endocrinology Society, for every person with diabetes in the country, there are between two and three with prediabetes and, in many cases, Consequently, he stated, the pathology continues evolving and increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

For the specialist, a person can, which is why it is frequently detected when it generates complications.

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Here, Dr. Rocca points out some of the main risk factors that could increase the chance of developing it:

  • Obesity. Abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat can be detrimental to health. That is why (BMI). In the case of overweight people, this score ranges from 25 to 29.9, while for those with obesity it is equal to or greater than 30. On the other hand, there may be a non-obese person, but with an extended waist diameter that increases Also the risk of diabetes, in the case of men would mean having more than 94 cm in this area; while, in women, more than 90 cm.
  • Sedentary. Physical activity or mobility are extremely necessary to avoid an uncontrolled gain in weight and accumulation of body fat, since the lack of this promotes the
  • Family background. Having close relatives such as parents, siblings, or grandparents with diabetes or prediabetes can lead to these conditions.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. Women with this condition tend to have insulin resistance, which increases their chances of developing diabetes.
  • Acantosis pigmentaria. Skin disorder that manifests itself in the armpits, or in the groin region, occurring in some obese people as a response to insulin resistance.
  • Other metabolic problems. Having hypertension, high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, and suffering from fatty liver are highly associated with this condition.

Along these lines, the expert reiterates the importance of having regular medical check-ups and leading a healthy lifestyle. “If a person has normal blood sugar values, they should repeat their tests annually, especially if they have risk factors for prediabetes or diabetes. However, if these are high, The vast majority of these patients will require a change in lifestyle, but sometimes also drug treatment ”, added Dr. Rocca.

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