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A medical platform to find a replacement in a few clicks

A medical platform to find a replacement in a few clicks

A medical platform to find a replacement in a few clicks

It’s not the first (and maybe not the last) but they promise, theirs will be much better than the others. Damien, Romain, Julie and Simon, four young entrepreneurs from Bordeaux, are officially launching their medical platform, LibNGo, on Wednesday. A tool intended for healthcare professionals to find and manage replacements in a few clicks, and by extension to fight against the medical deserts from which France suffers so much.

Their project was born during the first confinement. Damien, physiotherapist in his condition, struggled as hard as possible to find replacements even though the offers are generally not lacking. “In fact, at the time, I was still a replacement and it took me a long time to find offers that suited me,” he explains. Today, the platform, if you can call it that, the most used is Facebook! Suddenly, we spend our time scrolling through the ads without a tail or head. Mailing lists are no more effective. The social network is full of private groups where it is often very difficult to navigate. On the platform side, there are already some but they “are not very practical” says Julie with, for example, a geolocation by department, and not by city.

Make life as easy as possible for healthcare professionals

Damien and his comrades then think about a “much more complete” tool and multiply their experiences with their acquaintances. “We offer better geolocation of offers with the possibility of choosing a kilometer radius in relation to a well-defined location, a more precise agenda, a more advanced search engine… Users can also evaluate their contributions or carry out their replacement contracts in a few seconds with in particular an electronic signature. It is a much more ergonomic tool than what exists today, ”explains the physiotherapist. The platform is free (apart from the contract option) and an internal messaging system allows professionals to discuss their replacements.

Simon, Julie and Romain, co-founders of the medical platform, LibNGo. – LibNGo

Frédéric, one of the first users of LibNGo, admits that the “automatic filling of profile information by retrieving information related to the RPPS number (shared directory of health professionals) is a real plus as well as the intuitive and modern design of the platform ”. But where its creators hope to make the difference is in issuing contracts. “It’s simple, today it takes an average of 30 minutes for a health professional. It is a colossal waste of time in our day and in addition, 30% of contracts are returned by orders because incomplete, ”recalls Damien. It is for this reason that it offers pre-filled contracts with an electronic signature on the platform (very few offer this service apart from the national union of young general practitioners):

“It saves us a lot of time and allows us to be sure that the contract is up to standard,” insists Frédéric. Admittedly, it is paying but since I spend it in professional expenses, it only costs me about 4 euros so it’s worth it! “

Soon an application?

The objective is now to attract as many healthcare professionals to have as many announcements and replacements as possible. For that, the young Bordeaux entrepreneurs want to go there in stages to avoid it being the jungle. “Today, we start with physiotherapists. In February, we hope to integrate speech therapists, chiropodists or dentists and perhaps nurses in June, ”says Damien.

He is also working with Romain, the project manager and Simon the developer, on an even more practical application. For now, the “mobile version is still a bit simplistic and it is better to use the site on a computer” warns Frédéric. He also hopes that there will be “more room in the description of the offer” as time goes on.


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