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COVID-19: Follow these tips to avoid putting your health at risk if you plan to travel for Christmas and New Years

COVID-19: Follow these tips to avoid putting your health at risk if you plan to travel for Christmas and New Years

COVID-19: Follow these tips to avoid putting your health at risk if you plan to travel for Christmas and New Years

The end of the year events, where the attendance of people is massive, have caused different countries to take measures regarding travel within and outside their territory after the increase in cases of contagion by the new omicron variant of COVID-19.

Thus, some governments of Europe, Asia and America They implemented new restrictive measures for tourists who arrive at this time. Here we cite some recommendations provided by the specialists so that you can meet safely, without putting your health and that of third parties at risk. Pay attention.

Some countries are returning to confinement, while others reinserted measures implemented in 2020. Asked by Infobae, David Powell, medical advisor to the International Air Transport AssociationHe noted that air travel is not the safest option right now.

“Airplane passengers are two or even three times more likely to contract COVID-19 during a flight since the appearance of the variant OmicronPowell pointed out. “Whatever the risk with Delta, it would have to be assumed that the risk would be two or three times higher with Omicron, as seen in other settings “he continued.

To minimize risks, Powell suggests “Avoid common contact surfaces, hand hygiene whenever possible, face masks, distancing, controlled boarding procedures, try to avoid face-to-face contact with other customers, try to avoid being unmasked in flight, for food and beverage services , except when it is really necessary ”.

Gabriela Tapponnier, a pediatrician and infectologist at the Posadas Hospital in Argentina, assured that trips in private cars are highly recommended. “The trips that are made by car with family members are safer than in other means of transport”, he assured.

“The reality is that, with respect to airplanes, although the cabins have air exchange, it must be considered that transfers, waiting rooms, waiting times to take a flight also imply a greater risk considering that they are shared with other groups of people who often do not adhere adequately to the recommended measures “, he alerted.

Additionally, Mayo Clinic specialists provided these options to consider:

  • Plan to stop as little as possible, but stop driving if you start to get sleepy.
  • Be sure to carry masks, hand sanitizer, and sanitizing wipes with you in an easily accessible place so you can use them on the go if necessary.
  • Prepare food and water to go. Consider including some non-perishable foods that may be useful in case of limited access to restaurants and supermarkets.
  • If you need to refuel, wipe the handles or buttons with a disinfectant cloth before touching them.
  • If you decide to eat on the go, opt for restaurants that offer drive-thru service or bring your food to the car.

With recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mayo Clinic suggested that when it’s time to pack, bring any medications you may need, as well as these essentials for safe travel:

  • Face masks
  • Tissues
  • Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60 percent alcohol)
  • Disinfectant wipes (at least 70 percent alcohol) for cleaning surfaces
  • Thermometer

  • Look up information on the website of any of the major hotel chains to learn how they protect guests and staff
  • Strengthens cleaning procedures
  • Check the measures of physical distancing
  • Use of masks, both for staff and guests
  • Pay without physical contact
  • Consult the protocols in the event that a guest becomes ill, such as closing the room to clean and disinfect it


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