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Alzheimer’s disease can develop severe COVID-19 symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease can develop severe COVID-19 symptoms

Alzheimer’s disease can develop severe COVID-19 symptoms

Lima, January 3, 2022Updated on 01/03/2022 03:28 pm

The gene that causes one of the most serious degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s would be responsible for people who suffer from it to develop more serious cases of COVID-19 that could even be fatal; according to a recent study carried out by researchers from the University of Helsinki and the University Hospital of that same city in Finland.

This genetic variant called APOE4 It has also been related to other neurodegenerative conditions, such as dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson’s disease, according to Infobae.

“The common ε4 allele of the APOE4 gene appears to be associated with an increased risk of COVID-19 severe in the population of Finland. The importance of APOE4 is emphasized in the Finnish population, which may be due to its genetic homogeneity “said neuropathologist Liisa Myllykangas, who is part of the study.

About 15% to 25% of the general population carry the gene and are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s in old age.

Scientists examined 21 bodies of people killed by COVID-19 to investigate microscopic changes in the brain due to an infection by this virus, out of a total of 46 thousand Finnish citizens evaluated.

As the main conclusion, the researchers were able to determine that carriers of the gene APOE4 are more likely to develop symptoms of COVID-19. They also pointed out that these patients with APOE4-bearing coronaviruses can suffer from microscopic hemorrhages.

“In the study, mental fatigue, which was defined as difficulty directing attention and concentrating, emerged as one of those symptoms,” revealed Dr. Johanna Hästbacka.

The outlet also noted that the researchers considered future research to find out if the COVID-19 influences the appearance of memory problems among gene carriers APOE4.

“To answer this question, long-term follow-up studies in recovered COVID-19 patients are needed, as is basic research focused on the combined effects of APOE4 and systemic inflammation on memory mechanisms in the brain. Our research group has already launched these lines of research at the University of Helsinki ”, señaló Myllykangas.


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