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Peruvian sweet day: learn how to prepare a delicious zambito rice

Peruvian sweet day: learn how to prepare a delicious zambito rice

Peruvian sweet day: learn how to prepare a delicious zambito rice

Along with rice pudding and purple mazamorra, this homemade dessert is one of the favorites in Peruvian homes. Now you can learn to prepare it and in the easiest way with this recipe from Dew Oyanguren that we share about the Peruvian Sweet Day, which is celebrated this Saturday, April 23.

Follow the steps here:



  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 8 cloves
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • A handful of black raisins
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • ¼ ball of chancaca
  • 1 piece of orange, lemon or tangerine peel
  • 1 jar of evaporated milk
  • 1 handful of chopped pecans
  • ¼ cup grated coconut




Put the chancaca in pieces, the cinnamon, the cloves, the butter, the orange peel and the rice on the fire until it cooks. Stir constantly so that the rice does not stick to the bottom of your pot and cook all the ingredients over low heat. Try the sweet, if you think it lacks sweet for your taste you can add one more piece of chancaca until it dissolves. Then, add the well-washed raisins and the milk. About three minutes later, add the chopped pecans and grated coconut. You can serve it warm.


Source: Elcomercio

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