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Four keys to improving the mental health of post-pandemic workers

Four keys to improving the mental health of post-pandemic workers

Four keys to improving the mental health of post-pandemic workers

According to the Department of Mental Health of the Ministry of Health of Peru (Minsa) more than 313 thousand people with depression were attended at the national level during 2021, reflecting an increase of 12% of cases in relation to the pre-pandemic stage. The director of the Minsa, Yuri Cutipé, pointed out that last year more than one million 300 thousand cases related to the management of the mental health.

In line with the above, the theme of the mental health has become a relevant axis within the well-being plans of companies, which now seek to implement a whole series of strategies that promote a correct work time management of collaborators and allows them to have a better balance with their personal and family life, as well as having educational tools that develop their ability to know manage emotions without exposing your physical and mental health.

As company leaders, it is important to be aware of the work and personal situation of each of the workers. If a person suffers some type of situation that affects the development of their daily activities, it is essential to accompany them and provide them with tools that can guide them. For this reason, today we have courses that allow employees to develop and implement skills to apply effectively in their day-to-day activities.”, says Tatiana Restrepo, UBITS Education Manager.

In this sense, UBITS provides us with four key elements to improve the mental health:

1. Resilience: It is important to find a way to avoid seeing crises as inconveniences that cannot be overcome, which is why we must work to adapt to adverse situations, taking advantage of them with positive results, generating experiences of strength, a positive attitude and, moreover, concentrating on the present.

2. Express feelings: By talking to someone else about the difficulties you are going through, it provides an emotional release that generates greater peace of mind. This is why seeking help is so important to the process.

3. Relaxation: relaxation techniques are a way to control anxiety and manage emotions, because these exercises have been shown to reduce the effects of stress. Tools such as meditation help achieve a state of peace and calm.

4. Balance in body and mind: To have good emotional health, it is also important to take care of the body, this includes good habits such as healthy eating, sleeping well, and performing physical activity on a regular basis. According to Maren Schmidt-Kassow, a professor at the Institute of Medical Psychology at the Frankfurt Goethe Universitythis stimulates the production of substances that promote psychological well-being, such as endorphins, hormones related to the generation of pleasure and happiness.

Source: Elcomercio

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