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How to cook a chifa-style salted noodle?  Know their secrets and techniques

How to cook a chifa-style salted noodle? Know their secrets and techniques

How to cook a chifa-style salted noodle?  Know their secrets and techniques

The best meals are usually prepared at home. Therefore, learning to cook this prescription of fried noodles in the best style of the chifas It will be a great reason to share with our loved ones. Yo Madre’s Recipes He gives us the tips and secrets to cook a salted chicken noodle to serve in the middle of the table.

Follow the steps:


  • ½ kilo of Chinese noodles
  • ½ kilo of chicken
  • a cup of broccoli
  • A handful of Chinese beans
  • A handful of snow peas
  • A carrot cut into strips
  • A small pak choy (optional)
  • a small pepper
  • A piece of kion in strips
  • 2 tablespoons chuño or cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • A dash of soy sauce
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil


For this recipe, the first thing I will recommend is to have everything chopped and at hand, as it cooks very quickly. Boil about 3 liters of water to parboil the noodles, but only for 3 minutes. Then, strain and remove all the excess water. Booking. Chop up the chicken, only the boneless meat, and season it with the pepper, a splash of soy sauce and a tablespoon of chuño or cornstarch. Mix and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Broccoli stems and carrot chopped into very thin strips, boil them for 3 minutes. Strain the water and reserve. Chop the ginger and the pepper without veins and without seeds into thin strips and wash the rest of the vegetables well.

Take a frying pan, the largest you have at home, and put it on very high heat, with a minimum of oil. When it is very hot, sauté the chicken for about 4 minutes, without neglecting the preparation and moving constantly. Once ready, remove and reserve. In the same hot skillet, add the ginger and bell pepper, sauté for a couple of minutes, and then the rest of the vegetables, including the broccoli and carrot. Remember that the fire must be high and you must not stop moving, about 2 more minutes. It’s time to add the reserved chicken, the oyster sauce and the tablespoon of chuño that was left over, but dissolved in ¼ cup of cold water. Add everything in one go and move quickly so that no lumps form. A couple of minutes later, remove the preparation from the heat, taste the flavor and if you feel that it lacks a little more silao, add it. Now you can mix with your noodles.

NOTE: If you like crispy noodles, you can pre-fry them in hot oil. When serving this dish, you have two options: mix everything together, or the one I personally prefer, put the noodles in a bowl and top with all the vegetables. I put it in the middle of the table and let my family help themselves. If you like mushrooms you can include them in the preparation.

*For more practical and economical recipes, you can go to the YouTube channel Yo Madre’s Recipes.

Source: Elcomercio

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